Tübingen duck race

The people of Germany know how to have fun not only with soul and panache, but also with imagination. An evidence of very extraordinary festival "Duck race", which takes place in the town of tübingen.
This holiday is virtually unknown outside the country, in contrast to the world-acclaimed "Oktoberfest", "Cologne lights" and Kermes, but the locals treat him very tenderly. Every year on 8 October on the river Necker is arranged a race, members of which are yellow rubber ducks – those toys that little kids (and sometimes adults, you never know!) having fun while swimming. If ducks are not found at home, you can take the rubber "swimmer" in the lease. The cost of participation in the competition – three euros, well and the audience can cheer for their favorite toy for free.

The start of the race is usually given at noon, the race lasts about two hours – during this time, the ducks usually have time to overcome the posited distance. Competition, of course, eccentric and very funny, but both participants and the fans are no joke. However, the prize winner gets quite serious – 1000 euros!
Toy swim, of course, is the culmination of the holiday. But in addition to the "Duck race", the organizers usually prepared for the guests of the festival theatrical performances, jumping on the trampoline, fun games and lots of other entertainment events.

Source: /users/104