Spring swim pigs in China
Unusual water competition on the Xiang river, gave the organizers of the spring, the may festival in Changsha, Hunan province, China. Onlookers to see such an unusual swim gathered quite a lot, because participants in this race were ten pink pigs. With its launch pigs started diving with a makeshift, built especially for them, a fairly high tower.
But about all under the order. Enterprising Chinese organizers of the festival in Changsha, decided to surprise and to attract more tourists and spectators at the spring festival, think of such an unusual race of pigs. Pigs have got his personal trainer who advance carefully chose and prepared them specially for this occasion. All pigs were spectransavto jumping in the water jumping and swim speed.
In the competition all four-legged and grunting, the group has shown themselves as fearless and hardy athletes who successfully thunderous applause of a large audience was launched from the tower, and then all together, swam along selected strips water paths to the finish. Finished pigs are all, without exception, and as you can see from the pictures the pleasure was all people and animals.
By the way, in China it is not the first case when as a athletes in water sports attract these funny animals. Pigs are very intelligent and clever animals, well and quickly trainable, absolutely not afraid of water, swim well and even dive. But to teach the pig to jump from the tower into the water is certainly from the field of circus arts, but as you can see from the photos and it is quite possible. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: allfreefoto.ru
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