Administrative-office centre in Tbilisi

At the end of September 2012 in the centre of Tbilisi, on the Bank of the Kura, inaugurated the Administrative office building, designed by order of the government of Georgia Bureau Fuksas Architecture.
Complex — 42 000 sq m includes seven four-story volumes (all floors different height) made of reinforced concrete, spatially linked by a Central atrium. In addition, the parts are connected by an internal transition bridges are also at different levels. The composition closes surrounding terraces with a total area of 1860 sq. m.

The glass facade is made of structural and cellular glass. The interior is protected from direct sunlight eleven "petals" of different size and shape. These curved sloping eaves with metal mesh structure based on steel columns organic forms that mimic tree trunks. "The trees" located in the atrium space and the outside of the building. The "petals" have a fiberglass coating. Structurally, they are not associated with the outer membrane of the administrative office center. This is done to ensure that in case of possible natural disasters transparent shell has not cracked.
In a new building in the centre of Tbilisi will house some departments of the Ministry of energy, the civil registry Agency, national Bank of Georgia.

Source: /users/104