The Queen of heaven
Twenty-three years, faith wild from Texas, USA — one of the best high-wire extreme sports world. Fearless faith travels the picturesque corners of the world and surprises everyone with dangerous stunts at a height of 250 m above the ground.
Behind the girl more than 300 crossings on a tightrope. Many had climbed from 400-year old Church in Poland to the bunker of the Second world war. Faith recognized record holder among all the girls of rope. It owns the world's longest passage on a rope in Moab, United States, and the world's longest passage on weakly tight rope.
The tightrope of faith engaged in a very short time: only four years. However, the girl with a smile says that if she'd had a dollar every time I call crazy, she'd be the richest man in the world. Yes. It's dangerous, but often only because of changes in weather russowii, its brimming with confidence. But most importantly, what she, what he likes, and it already half of success.
Dreams of faith — to develop your own clothing line, but now to quit their "high-rise" the career girl is not going to.
Source: /users/117

Behind the girl more than 300 crossings on a tightrope. Many had climbed from 400-year old Church in Poland to the bunker of the Second world war. Faith recognized record holder among all the girls of rope. It owns the world's longest passage on a rope in Moab, United States, and the world's longest passage on weakly tight rope.

The tightrope of faith engaged in a very short time: only four years. However, the girl with a smile says that if she'd had a dollar every time I call crazy, she'd be the richest man in the world. Yes. It's dangerous, but often only because of changes in weather russowii, its brimming with confidence. But most importantly, what she, what he likes, and it already half of success.

Dreams of faith — to develop your own clothing line, but now to quit their "high-rise" the career girl is not going to.
Source: /users/117