The "idler": the best Desk for student

Who was not a student, that does not understand... Russian designer Yaroslav Misezhnikov — understands, because he himself not so long ago ceased to be a student. So all the RAH-RAH, in particular, the constant desire to sleep, he realized a design project of an unusual table called "Idler", which took part in the Moscow contest of young designers of SaloneSatellite 2012.
The concept of "Gawker" is designed to solve a number of small but annoying problems the average student who seems to not prevent to live, but without them it would be much more comfortable. Therefore, the table is equipped with a soft surface, where you can drop the head and take a NAP, and system of organization of wires for various gadgets needed for work, study and leisure. Also there is a place for water bottles, rack bags, and even a special drawer for contraceptives built into the table leg as a bonus.

The best Desk for lazy students, how else can you call the project "the Idler", a stunning example of a combination of design imagination of the author and his sense of humor in the right doses. Not making the "student table" funny, Jaroslav Misezhnikov, however, with its "Idler" provokes people to smile, forcing them to think about their own youth, missed and cancelled lectures, feverish preparation for tests and exams, sleepless nights on their course and laboratory... as well As on the eternal problem of guys living in the Dorm, which is called short and annoying word "nowhere".

Author's design project "Idler. Table for lazy students", brought Yaroslav Misezhnikov second place in the competition SaloneSatellite 2012, which was held in October as part of the design festival iSaloni.
Source: /users/78