Excavator Bagger 288 - world's largest machine

Hardly anyone can imagine the car long two football fields with a height of three nine-storey building and weighing 13 tons. But this is not fiction, but a reality. Excavator Bagger 288 – a real giant among his own kind.

Reading the title of the article, many probably imagined a big size BelAZ, which weighs a good 80 tons. But this car is just a baby compared to the violently tough, powerful and impressive with their giant size machine called the Bagger 288. This excavator is of German origin is an indispensable tool in getting minerals and digging massive trenches. Bagger 288, to this day remains the only one of its kind, able daily to produce 230 tons of coal. Where standard excavators and bulldozers will be normal to work for months, the German bucket wheel excavator can handle a few days.

Huge crawler harvester was built in 1978 by the famous German company "ThyssenKrupp". Long excavator reaches 240 meters, width – 40 meters. Height giant – about 100 meters. Assembly components such epic proportions took five years. Bagger 288 speeds up to 1... km/h, but do not rush to burst into laughter, as this whopper weighs over 13,000 tons! From career to career miracle of technology moves an average of a few weeks. Under such a huge company didn't drop the ground, the designers have specially equipped its 12 tracks long and 3.8 each. Thanks to this competent solution created by giant excavator pressure on the land does not exceed the pressure of the human foot during walking. Incredibly, a 240-meter Bagger 288 can drive through the fields, it is not harming the soil layer.
Source: /users/276