Adjika. Useful properties.
Adjika – a spice, which includes many components, including spices and herbs. This spice appeared in the Caucasus and became very popular, and then her pleasure began to use in the kitchens of many countries. The sauce gives the dish a special taste and aroma: sharp, thin and sweetish-bitter. The color adzhika depends on the composition: it can be brown, orange, red or green.
Adjika is the use of it is that it stimulates digestion, speeds up metabolism and has anti-catarrhal action due to high content of volatile and aromatic substances.
Regular use adzhika allows to significantly strengthen immunity, strengthen the body's defenses. Volatile herbs contained in the sauce, help to kill viruses and bacteria. This product is useful for treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, especially viral nature.
Use adzhika affects the circulatory system, helps clean the blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, tones the blood vessels. For frequent colds chicken also helps, as it strengthens the body's defenses and kills viruses, but all of these characteristics differs only in the original classic sauce, composed of salt, pepper and garlic and other spices used in the Caucasus.
Like any Tabasco, adjika acute contraindicated in hypertensive patients and persons with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Source: /users/155

Adjika is the use of it is that it stimulates digestion, speeds up metabolism and has anti-catarrhal action due to high content of volatile and aromatic substances.

Regular use adzhika allows to significantly strengthen immunity, strengthen the body's defenses. Volatile herbs contained in the sauce, help to kill viruses and bacteria. This product is useful for treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, especially viral nature.

Use adzhika affects the circulatory system, helps clean the blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, tones the blood vessels. For frequent colds chicken also helps, as it strengthens the body's defenses and kills viruses, but all of these characteristics differs only in the original classic sauce, composed of salt, pepper and garlic and other spices used in the Caucasus.

Like any Tabasco, adjika acute contraindicated in hypertensive patients and persons with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Source: /users/155