Why do I get bruises ?
The bruise is changing the right person's skin color to a little darker, or brown, blue or even black, occurs after a severe blow or injury. And it often makes people go for help to the surgeon. But not only this can be the cause of bruising, there are other reasons. For example, a bruise may appear without any reason. If you have a bruise just like that, out of the blue, then be sure to consult with your family doctor, because the appearance of a bruise may be the first symptom of some serious diseases.
A bruise may appear due to some blood diseases. For example, this happens when thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is a violation of blood coagulation, that is, the reduction in the number of platelets. Or hematoma can occur in hemophilia and other blood disorders.
Of course, most bruises are not a manifestation of severe disease and disappear by themselves. To reduce the bruise immediately after the injury and during the first days it is necessary to periodically apply to affected area ice or cold lotions to reduce swelling and bleeding. With the same purpose, use anti-inflammatory creams. Good results have in this case, homeopathic or herbal remedies.
Is it possible to avoid the appearance of a bruise? You can! For this you need to attach to the site of injury cold (ice soaked in ice water towel). Cold compress, first, reduces pain, and second, it reduces the bloodstream, constricts blood vessels, and they poured out less blood. So if the cold therapy can start immediately, even when severe injury does not appear swollen and will bruise.
Source: /users/155
A bruise may appear due to some blood diseases. For example, this happens when thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is a violation of blood coagulation, that is, the reduction in the number of platelets. Or hematoma can occur in hemophilia and other blood disorders.
Of course, most bruises are not a manifestation of severe disease and disappear by themselves. To reduce the bruise immediately after the injury and during the first days it is necessary to periodically apply to affected area ice or cold lotions to reduce swelling and bleeding. With the same purpose, use anti-inflammatory creams. Good results have in this case, homeopathic or herbal remedies.
Is it possible to avoid the appearance of a bruise? You can! For this you need to attach to the site of injury cold (ice soaked in ice water towel). Cold compress, first, reduces pain, and second, it reduces the bloodstream, constricts blood vessels, and they poured out less blood. So if the cold therapy can start immediately, even when severe injury does not appear swollen and will bruise.
Source: /users/155