As live DJs in são Paulo?
Designers Studio Guilherme Torres has completed the work on the project FJ House in são Paulo, Brazil. The landlord is a young, single businessman and DJ, who wanted to give your home a touch of modernity inherent in his life. A typical apartment building in the 80s was literally completely destroyed and built from scratch.
Seventy four million three hundred eighty three thousand two hundred five
All partitions, which restrict the room was demolished, and only the bedrooms and bathrooms were kept in its original form. Designers even had to get rid of multiple Windows to create concept boxes, in which special coating of walls and floors in combination with illumination was to create a three-dimensional effect, like in a nightclub.
Sixteen million two hundred sixteen thousand seven hundred sixty five
Kitchen turning into living room occupies the area that was originally designed for corridors and bathroom. All illumination was created on the basis of LEDs, excluding other sources of illumination in the apartment.
Thirty eight million eight hundred twenty thousand nine hundred nine
In addition to the scenic effect of this approach is energy saving with high lighting efficiency. Walls and ceilings made of drywall, and then covered with polymer cement.
Thirty million four hundred thirteen thousand six hundred three
Source: /users/413
Seventy four million three hundred eighty three thousand two hundred five
All partitions, which restrict the room was demolished, and only the bedrooms and bathrooms were kept in its original form. Designers even had to get rid of multiple Windows to create concept boxes, in which special coating of walls and floors in combination with illumination was to create a three-dimensional effect, like in a nightclub.
Sixteen million two hundred sixteen thousand seven hundred sixty five
Kitchen turning into living room occupies the area that was originally designed for corridors and bathroom. All illumination was created on the basis of LEDs, excluding other sources of illumination in the apartment.
Thirty eight million eight hundred twenty thousand nine hundred nine
In addition to the scenic effect of this approach is energy saving with high lighting efficiency. Walls and ceilings made of drywall, and then covered with polymer cement.
Thirty million four hundred thirteen thousand six hundred three
Source: /users/413