The three main Council weather-sensitive people
Ionization of the air. Meteosensitivity — it is a common ailment among the inhabitants of the cities. If you live in a big city, try to constantly disinfect the air in the apartment, so you will be able to greatly improve well-being. At home You can use a salt lamp or artificial air ionizer.
Correct mode of the day and meals. If Your body always responds to any change in the weather, You need to completely rethink their menus, daily routine and lifestyle. It is desirable to completely give up cigarettes and eliminate alcohol during the magnetic storm. Sitting at home with closed Windows doctor also advise. Try to spend much time in the air even in bad weather.
The herbal treatment. Tea, decoction, tincture is a medicine that helps to endure the changing weather conditions. However, herbalists suggest to carefully choose the herbs and know when and which one to use. During magnetic storms, well help essential oils of rose, fir or mint. Especially great benefits they will bring, if used before the changes in atmospheric pressure.
Source: /users/559

Correct mode of the day and meals. If Your body always responds to any change in the weather, You need to completely rethink their menus, daily routine and lifestyle. It is desirable to completely give up cigarettes and eliminate alcohol during the magnetic storm. Sitting at home with closed Windows doctor also advise. Try to spend much time in the air even in bad weather.

The herbal treatment. Tea, decoction, tincture is a medicine that helps to endure the changing weather conditions. However, herbalists suggest to carefully choose the herbs and know when and which one to use. During magnetic storms, well help essential oils of rose, fir or mint. Especially great benefits they will bring, if used before the changes in atmospheric pressure.
Source: /users/559
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