Why put a salt lamp in the bedroom

A salt lamp is a common lamp with a plafond made of crystalline stone salt, which has been formed over millions of years in salt mines. It is a product of crystallization of the salt water of the world's oceans. Now compressed layers of solid rock of mountain sediments are mined only in the Himalayas in Pakistan at a depth of 800 meters.

During processing, the crystal structure and geometric shape of such a salt are not destroyed, so all its useful properties are preserved. It is a gift created by nature, helping to cope with the negative consequences of technological progress.

Microwave ovens, televisions, computers, electrical appliances, various gadgets, without which we can not imagine our lives, emit positive ions into the air. It is proved that their high concentration is very bad for health. Here, rock salt can come to the rescue, the chemical properties of its negative ions work wonders, neutralize the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and normalize the microclimate in the rooms.

In addition, radiological studies have shown that rock salt, like rock crystal, has the ability to radiate positive energy. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, psyche and sleep quality.

There are six important facts in favor of establishing salt lamps.
  1. Salt lamps clean the air By emitting highly concentrated negatively charged ions, the salt lamp kills bacteria and eliminates toxic substances. She's great. ionizerCreated by nature.

  2. Preventing cancers The electrosmog that surrounds us all day weakens the immune system, raises blood pressure and promotes the development of various types of cancer. And salt lamps successfully counteract the effects of its dangerous radiation.

    Many people who use them also report the disappearance of chronic headaches.

  3. Neutralize positively charged ions Salt lamps, unlike various techniques, emit “good” radiation. Working several hours in a row, they create the effect of a salt cave, there is halotherapy.

  4. Improve overall health Salt lamps contain up to 84 different minerals that have a beneficial effect on well-being. They regulate water balance and strengthen bones.

  5. Energize Negatively charged ions help improve brain blood flow, and with it, mood. The mind becomes mobile and clear, the ability to focus on the important increases, the reactions to external stimuli stabilize: calm and adequate. Anxiety and stress go away, which makes life much easier.

  6. Normalize sleep. Salt lamp is best placed in the bedroom. Then the sleep will be strong and calm. After a few months of using vitality will be much more. It's worth it.

This video reveals all the secrets of the salt lamp.


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