How to remove a toothache at home?
If toothache catches You at unexpected time, you need any method to alleviate their condition. First, you need to take painkillers such as analgin, baralgin, Ketanov, Nurofen. They don't just relieve pain, but it will remove inflammation. However, use of these drugs in any case should not be considered a treatment. Even if after a single dose of pain medication You have left and not returned during the day, you need to visit the dentist, otherwise inflammation of the tooth will be hidden and can lead to various unpleasant consequences.
Moreover, you need to brush your teeth and before a doctor to refuse food, especially if a diseased tooth has a hole in it. If pieces of food get into it, it will provoke another attack of pain. In order to disinfect the mouth, dentists advise rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda and salt.
Toothache help relieve and propolis. For this it is necessary to drip on cotton wool a few drops of this tool, and then apply to the sore tooth. Usually the pain goes away after 15-30 minutes. But be careful – an excess of propolis can damage the mucosa.
Source: /users/559

Moreover, you need to brush your teeth and before a doctor to refuse food, especially if a diseased tooth has a hole in it. If pieces of food get into it, it will provoke another attack of pain. In order to disinfect the mouth, dentists advise rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda and salt.

Toothache help relieve and propolis. For this it is necessary to drip on cotton wool a few drops of this tool, and then apply to the sore tooth. Usually the pain goes away after 15-30 minutes. But be careful – an excess of propolis can damage the mucosa.
Source: /users/559