How flax seeds can affect Your health?
The flax seeds good nutty flavor, they are high in fiber, fatty acids omega-3. They have a softening and thinning properties and are useful for alleviating digestive issues. Ground flax seeds secrete a thick astringent that lingers long on the mucous membranes and protects them from irritation, including digestive juices. Therefore flax seed is often prescribed in the liver gastritis and ulcers.
The number of proteins it will not yield soybean sprouts leaders among the plants for nutrition. Is flax seeds are not worth it – better to add whole grains to your baked goods, or ground – in sauce and porridge. Daily allowance is 25 grams.
Linen grain in the process of splitting can allocate small amounts of poisonous prussic acid. Excessive decoction of flax seed may inhibit the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and lead to the loss of bone mass.
Source: /users/559
The flax seeds good nutty flavor, they are high in fiber, fatty acids omega-3. They have a softening and thinning properties and are useful for alleviating digestive issues. Ground flax seeds secrete a thick astringent that lingers long on the mucous membranes and protects them from irritation, including digestive juices. Therefore flax seed is often prescribed in the liver gastritis and ulcers.
The number of proteins it will not yield soybean sprouts leaders among the plants for nutrition. Is flax seeds are not worth it – better to add whole grains to your baked goods, or ground – in sauce and porridge. Daily allowance is 25 grams.
Linen grain in the process of splitting can allocate small amounts of poisonous prussic acid. Excessive decoction of flax seed may inhibit the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and lead to the loss of bone mass.
Source: /users/559
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