How hot chocolate can affect Your health?
Earlier this drink was called "chocolatl", he gave strength, increased potency. In 1527 hernán cortés brought it to Spain not just cacao beans, but also the method of preparation of the drink. In Spain, the chocolatl was appreciated. Since then began a constant supply of cocoa beans from the plantations of Mexico, which belonged to cortés. Everything about chocolate, it became a state secret of Spain, for its disclosure executed 80 people.
Chocolate was engaged in the Jesuit monks. Over time, he started to add honey, removed from a recipe for chili, and for a pleasant smell started to add vanilla. In order that the ingredients are better dissolved, it began to heat, and it turned out that the hot drink is much tastier. In 1606, the drink was brought to Italy by Florentine Francesco Carletti.
The Italians appreciated the taste of the beverage and established its mass production. From Italy, chocolate was in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The king of Spain's daughter Anne of Austria married French king Louis XIII popularized the beverage in France. A little Cup of hot chocolate for dessert started to be considered a sign of good taste in high society of Europe is a sign of respectability and prosperity.
Source: /users/559

Chocolate was engaged in the Jesuit monks. Over time, he started to add honey, removed from a recipe for chili, and for a pleasant smell started to add vanilla. In order that the ingredients are better dissolved, it began to heat, and it turned out that the hot drink is much tastier. In 1606, the drink was brought to Italy by Florentine Francesco Carletti.

The Italians appreciated the taste of the beverage and established its mass production. From Italy, chocolate was in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The king of Spain's daughter Anne of Austria married French king Louis XIII popularized the beverage in France. A little Cup of hot chocolate for dessert started to be considered a sign of good taste in high society of Europe is a sign of respectability and prosperity.
Source: /users/559