In Colombia, built a vertical garden with a height of 100 meters

Company Groncol and Paisajismo Urbano have created a wall garden Green Medellin on the facade of a residential building in the El Poblado district of the city of Medellin, making this high-rise building unique in its kind. Plant construction with a height of 92 meters not only pleasing to the eye inhabitants of the house, but also improves the air quality in the area, according to Inhabitat.
The design was created by Groncol and staff Paisajismo Urbano has selected plants, both local and foreign, who can effectively grow and develop in conditions of strong wind. For protection from diseases of plants were placed according to the innovative traditions of co-existence.

General Manager Groncol Pablo Atuesta Pradilla called his creation the second tallest wall gardens around the world. The tallest vertical garden is located in Mumbai, however, there is a great Colombian hydroponic garden irrigation system. In the future other States will also appear vertical gardens in tall buildings.
Source: energysafe.ru