Crane is a natural antibiotic
The main useful substance, which causes the useful properties of horseradish, is benzylisothiocyanate - a mild natural antibiotic. This substance effectively fights bacterial infection, stimulating the immune system, and does not favor all those side effects that are inherent in synthetic antibiotic. Therefore, it is widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as bronchitis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, influenza infections, cough, runny nose and inflammatory processes in the kidneys caused by bacterial infections.
According to the content of vitamin C, horseradish outstrips even a lemon, and only plays black currants. Shit is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other mineral substances. The composition of horseradish also includes vitamin C, phytoncides, essential mustard oils, sugar, starch, resinous substance, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins of group B, PP. There's a lot of carotene in fresh leaves.
Domestic folk medicine and folk medicine of many other countries uses horseradish for diseases such as gout, rheumatism, stones in the bladder, inflammation of the joints, impotence (however, with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver and kidneys, the use of carrot is undesirable!)
The most curious thing is that the use of horseradish can be only for no more than a week, while useful substances are still preserved in it. After this time, horseradish becomes nothing more than a spice to the table. Therefore, experts advise, if possible, to prepare seasonings from the hen yourself, so that the benefits and harms of horseradish are extracted as much as possible, carefully following the recommendations issued.
Source: /users/155

According to the content of vitamin C, horseradish outstrips even a lemon, and only plays black currants. Shit is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other mineral substances. The composition of horseradish also includes vitamin C, phytoncides, essential mustard oils, sugar, starch, resinous substance, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins of group B, PP. There's a lot of carotene in fresh leaves.

Domestic folk medicine and folk medicine of many other countries uses horseradish for diseases such as gout, rheumatism, stones in the bladder, inflammation of the joints, impotence (however, with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver and kidneys, the use of carrot is undesirable!)

The most curious thing is that the use of horseradish can be only for no more than a week, while useful substances are still preserved in it. After this time, horseradish becomes nothing more than a spice to the table. Therefore, experts advise, if possible, to prepare seasonings from the hen yourself, so that the benefits and harms of horseradish are extracted as much as possible, carefully following the recommendations issued.
Source: /users/155