The bergamot in the tea helps the heart, researchers assure
It turns out that a Cup of tea with bergamot – an effective tool for combating cholesterol in the body.The assurances of researchers, citrus additive in the tea is beneficial for lowering cholesterol, as an effective statin. Besides, herbal product has no side effects. High elevating effect, has a flavor due to the enzymes that treat heart disease. Researchers at the University of Calabria in Italy believe that the concentration of these enzymes has an effect on proteins that depend on some heart disease and the level of "bad" cholesterol.

They compared the effects of treatment with statins and found: bergamot, sage works equally well. Bergamot lowers the levels of total and bad cholesterol while increasing the percentage of good. Therefore, experts said that a daily Supplement of fruit extract bergamot fruit to your daily menu can be very effective treatment for high cholesterol. When this additive can be used not only in tea but also in other foods: jams, ice cream.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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