Barbados will the heating from solar energy

The government of Barbados has developed a national strategic plan for energy development, according to which by 2025 half of the country should switch to solar water heating elements. This new technology is now becoming more popular in the island nation. In 2002, Barbados was thrown into the air at 15 thousand tons less than in the products of combustion of carbon and saved $ 100 million thanks to the installation of 35 thousand solar panels to heat water, according to UNEP.

Every year the government introduces new incentives for homes run entirely on solar energy. Everyone who will install renewable energy, shed 50% their cost and reduce the number of taxes. Educational program "solar house", initiated in 2007, is actively promoting this initiative in the nation and invites all who wish to study in the technique of maintenance of the solar batteries.Today, the island is more than 91 thousands of heating systems on solar energy. 75% of them are installed in private homes and operate due homeowners. This gives you the opportunity to understand that the introduction of renewable energy in the state – quite feasible task.
Source: energysafe.ru
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