Amoeba killed 100 thousand people per year
Entamoeba histolytica is a tiny pathogen that can cause terrible losses. Unicellular organisms amoeba, microscopic infect 50 million people worldwide and kills about 100,000 each year. A new report by researchers at the University of Virginia shows how the microbe causes fatal damage to a human: he just eats cells alive, piece by piece.
Twelve million two hundred sixty one thousand two hundred one
Although scientists have long known and studied of the parasite, much remains a mystery. Part of the problem is that it is unpredictable. Many of those infected show no symptoms at all, the amoeba lives quietly in their gut, feeding on bacteria without causing trouble. But in others, the parasite attacks the intestines and can cause potentially fatal diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, and liver abscess. This disease is called amebiasis. As explained by biologists, it was assumed that amoeba feed on dead cells, but with the help of modern technology, scientists have managed to make a video of how the parasite lives. Looking at it, the researchers were surprised: the parasite has bitten off parts from living cells. "It was amazing to see how the amoeba makes a bite for a bite", said Catherine Rolton, a microbiologist. Within one minute the parasite tore and swallowed the fragments of human cells, to death of the whole cell. Ate one piece of the body, the amoeba was headed on, in search of food.
Now scientists are planning additional studies. Rolston said that they could find the way to new treatments of the disease. "If we could understand how the amoeba takes a bite, it would be a good target for medicines."
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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