5 stunning mobile mini house

If you can't decide whether you want to spend warm summer days on the beach, in the woods or even go to another city, you can choose any option. Grab a portable micro-home with them. Check out the five best designs for a nomadic life, which only you can imagine. Danish experimental Studio N55 has presented a modular self-sufficient home that can walk. The Walking House is a sustainable house with living room, solar panels, micro windmills, and a composting toilet.

The group of students from Green Mountain College created a brilliant mobile shelter for the renewable energy and environmental designer class. They called it OTIS ( Optimal independent space Journey ), and its 70 square meters can accommodate a sleeping area, a rainwater collector, all powered by the sun and constructed of recycled materials.

The Italian Studio of architecture have developed a futuristic showroom, which was presented at the Venice Biennale. Dubbed MercuryHouseOne, equipped with all the latest sound and lighting equipment and is fully powered by the sun.
Renovated Timeless trailer. "

Stylish micro house Moby1 is a modern take on the classic Teardrop Trailer, 50-ies. Includes rooftop tent, space for a mattress, running water, and solar panels for comfortable living in the wild.

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