Presented a huge “vacuum cleaner” for cleaning the surface of water bodies – M.V. Recyclone
Many have heard that the oceans and other large bodies of water are very polluted. This is a real problem that is not easy to deal with. If you simplify, the solution is simple – do not throw garbage into the water and clean what has already been thrown away.
Sir James Dyson, a renowned vacuum cleaner manufacturer, has proposed a project that partially solves the problem of collecting large plastic debris in rivers. If the rivers are clean, the seas and oceans will get less garbage. In Dyson’s project, a huge “vacuum cleaner” will collect garbage floating on the surface in special nets. The pumps will then draw the debris inside the sorting bay, where it will be separated by species and prepared for further recycling.
By collecting large debris from the surface of the rivers, M.V. Recyclone (as the system will be called) will minimize the entry of plastic waste into the seas and oceans.
A large net will unfold from the stern of the barge. Its ends will be directed upstream and attached to the shores. Thus, all large floating debris will get on board, where it will be crushed. Different types of plastic will be separated by air currents similar to those in our vacuum cleaners. In the first drawings, the M.V. Recyclone was a stationary structure. Several such treatment plants had to be installed in important areas where pollution was particularly high. Later, Mr. Dyson decided that it would be more convenient to make the system mobile, that is, to tie it to a barge that can be moved from place to place.
The concept is the simplest part. Now you have to make a working prototype, test it and remake it with all the fixes — that's the hard part.
Source: thinkgreen.ru