Journalists praised the work of the dealers of eco-USA

The authoritative edition of US Consumer Reports has evaluated the performance of dealers of famous brands that sell electric cars and cars with hybrid privadamente gave journalists, who have visited 85 dealerships in four countries.
In the course of his job, the staff assessed the stock in the showrooms of eco-friendly models, the dedication of the sellers in the sale of hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as the qualifications of the personnel in technical characteristics of vehicles of this type.Most quality service was met with dealers of General Motors, Ford and Nissan.
But among the outsiders were dealers of Toyota and Honda. First brand mystery shoppers noted that they have formed an opinion about the reluctance of sellers to implement the hybrid model. And at Honda dealerships is often impossible to find on the grounds of hybrids, and buy them only under the order. Study participants noted that they clearly reflect the hierarchy in the modern market of hybrid and electric vehicles. If the leaders are composed of stars out there are several successful models of these segments, Toyota and Honda are concentrating their efforts on hydrogen vehicles.

Source: greenevolution.ru
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