The benefits of yoga for pregnant women
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According to the ancient Indian doctrine, the woman embodies the primordial energy of life. Yoga for pregnant women helps to clear the mind and release the body from all sorts of "clips".
Main recommendation
To practice yoga, you will need:
• Free time (at least an hour)
• Comfortable clothes
• Yoga Mat (you can substitute tourist "foam", woolen blanket, textile, bedding)
To eat before performing asanas cannot be – the last meal should finish no later than 1-1.5 hours before class. Before performing asanas you need to empty your bladder. At first you will have to deal under the guidance of an experienced instructor – you will receive individual recommendations. But even the attention of the instructor saves you from having control over your feelings – if any asana causes discomfort to you or bothers the child, it is necessary to refuse its execution. Need to deal with on a regular basis – otherwise the complex will not benefit and may even become a stress to the body.
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If a strong toxicosis, changes in blood pressure and increased uterine tone classes will have to stop.
If negative symptoms are not present, then the lessons can begin at any time, it is important to follow the recommendations of the coach and to avoid overloads. During pregnancy excludes jumping, deep-rolled.
Contraindicated sharp change in body position. It is important to avoid pressure on the abdomen. By the early second trimester excludes the asanas performed lying on stomach. The third trimester also brings restrictions: you should avoid asanas that are performed in the supine position (compressed large vessels, deteriorating blood circulation). Some of the asanas in this period is recommended lying on his right side.
Whether to do yoga?
Yoga designed for pregnant women:
• Helps to get rid of weakness, sleepiness, chronic fatigue
• Provides the body with oxygen
• Stimulates nervous system
• Improves the exchange of blood between the mother and the growing fetus
• Prepares muscles for the upcoming birth
• Prevents constipation and varicose veins
• Increases the elasticity of ligaments and muscles
• Normalizes the endocrine system
• Improve immunity
• Gets rid of excess fat
• Improves metabolism
• Helps to develop lungs
• Teaches you how to relax and control pain
• Develops a positive attitude
Approximate set of exercises
An experienced instructor will offer you a range that is most appropriate for your condition. The following are the asanas that are used most often.
The following posture improves blood circulation in the pelvic region and strengthens the muscles of the legs. Squat on toes, turning the knees out to the sides. Maintain the balance on the bent toes (the heels do not connect together but do not breed on a large distance). Connect your palm in front of chest in "prayer" position. If you have difficulty with balance, unable at first to adhere to the chair.
Malasaña districts
This asana improves the mobility of the ligaments of the pelvis and hips. It can be done even during labour. Placing the feet two feet apart, slowly squat (weight on heels). Back straighten, hands connect in front of chest in "prayer" position, elbows slightly spread knees. Keep this body position for 30 seconds. The pelvic area try to relax.
Then get down on all fours (knees should be apart and the feet joined together).
Lean your hands on the floor, back slightly rotten (chin parallel to the floor). For 10 seconds look in front of you, then leaning forward, place your elbows on the floor and the maximum relax.
In this position you should feel stretching of the inner muscles of the thighs. Breathe calmly, trying to "guide" the breath in the region of the strongest muscular tension. Keep the body position for 30 seconds.
Kneel down, lean hands on the floor (palms place just below the shoulders and the knees directly below the hips). Deep breath, rotten lower back while raising your head and tailbone.
Exhaling the air out of the back, rounding on her. Pick up under the tailbone, try to pull the belly toward the spine, straighten the blades (you should feel the back "lengthens").
Repeat several times. This asana reduces the pressure of the uterus on the spine, increases the elasticity of back muscles.
Source: updiet.info/