Whether to install gas equipment on the car
Question about installing LPG touched, probably, each holder of machines. All want to be comfortable, fast and most importantly low cost travel. The latter is perhaps the most powerful argument, given the catastrophic increase in gasoline prices. Business and competent person any business begins with information gathering, its analysis, and in the end whipped up, for or against.
You can start with savings. You are a car owner, the expense of gasoline 6-8 l / 100km, per year on average to wrap 25000 km, for the installation of LPG will spend from 1200-2300.e. take the price per liter 12-14 UAH. and make mathematical calculation, will be released that will pay you to install LPG (Kiev), in 2.5 years.
You should note that installation involves interference in electrical wiring and fuel system, as far as it will go without any consequences is unknown, but the warranty from the manufacturer of the car you can not see exactly. From gasoline to completely stop will not work, because the fuel system could just fly, you eat on gas and the fuel pump drives the gasoline in a circle, clogging the filter, after a time it will have to change.
Got to maintenance, as if you didn't tell the installers of LPG that their system needs no maintenance, you still have to do it, adjustment, replacement of membranes, condensation drain, etc. That's just one HUNDRED workers do not like to bother with such machines, they require more attention. With the rapid development of technology in 3-4 years, you risk to remain without the necessary parts for installation.
The next point, safety. Subject to the rules of security and constant maintenance, to be afraid of gas is not worth, but the place that holds the trunk cylinder to miss, just will not. Yes, do not forget the registration, it is necessary to make a special entry in the SAI.
Now a little about the nice moments. The car, running on gas, softer work of the engine increases the engine because the engine oil is gasoline, and for environmental plus because of the lower toxicity of the gases. Of course, it's not all that can be considered, but the conclusion can be drawn. To acquire using gas cars, better from the manufacturer and guarantee you have thought through and considered all with the help of engineers and specialists.
Source: selxozinfo.com.ua/