Bengal kittens from the Berlin Zoo
A pair of wild Bengal cats who arrived at the Zoo Berlin Zoo a year ago have their first offspring. Two kittens (male and female) were named after the famous cities in the Philippines - Tai Tai and Ilian (Ilian and Taytay), because it is from here that this subspecies originates.
Photo: Zoo Berlin
According to the administration, Tai Tai and Ilian are unusual kittens, since they began breeding Bengal cats at the Berlin Zoo. They were born as part of a special program to breed rare, endangered species.
Specialists of this wildlife park intend to continue to increase the healthy population of wild Bengal cats, whose numbers in the wild are constantly decreasing and in critical condition.
Moreover, the Berlin Zoo intends to return these magnificent predators back to nature on the island of Palawan in the Philippines to help restore the population of their wild population.
As soon as Tai Tai and Ilian grow up and become sexually mature, they will immediately be sent to the zoos of Prague and Pilsen (Czech Republic), where they will continue their family. Presumably, this event will take place in the autumn, — noted on the website of the zoo.
The Bengal wild cat, or leopard cat, or dwarf cat, or Far Eastern cat (Latin Prionailurus bengalensis) refers to the species of feline (Latin Felidae) from the subfamily of small cats (Latin Felinae). Bengal wild cats are inhabitants of South and East Asia, and they are also found in Malacca, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Bali Island, the Philippines.
The size of leopard cats corresponds to the size of ordinary domestic cats, and the color range is quite diverse and depends on the habitat. The color varies from yellow to grayish-brown or grayish-fawn. They prefer to live near the water and fish well.
They feel great both in tropical forests and in conifers. It can often be seen in mountainous areas. Avoid meeting people by staying away from human settlements. It is worth noting that in a country like China, they are constantly hunted for their beautiful fur, which is imported into Japan.
Source: zoopicture.ru
Photo: Zoo Berlin
According to the administration, Tai Tai and Ilian are unusual kittens, since they began breeding Bengal cats at the Berlin Zoo. They were born as part of a special program to breed rare, endangered species.
Specialists of this wildlife park intend to continue to increase the healthy population of wild Bengal cats, whose numbers in the wild are constantly decreasing and in critical condition.
Moreover, the Berlin Zoo intends to return these magnificent predators back to nature on the island of Palawan in the Philippines to help restore the population of their wild population.
As soon as Tai Tai and Ilian grow up and become sexually mature, they will immediately be sent to the zoos of Prague and Pilsen (Czech Republic), where they will continue their family. Presumably, this event will take place in the autumn, — noted on the website of the zoo.
The Bengal wild cat, or leopard cat, or dwarf cat, or Far Eastern cat (Latin Prionailurus bengalensis) refers to the species of feline (Latin Felidae) from the subfamily of small cats (Latin Felinae). Bengal wild cats are inhabitants of South and East Asia, and they are also found in Malacca, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Bali Island, the Philippines.
The size of leopard cats corresponds to the size of ordinary domestic cats, and the color range is quite diverse and depends on the habitat. The color varies from yellow to grayish-brown or grayish-fawn. They prefer to live near the water and fish well.
They feel great both in tropical forests and in conifers. It can often be seen in mountainous areas. Avoid meeting people by staying away from human settlements. It is worth noting that in a country like China, they are constantly hunted for their beautiful fur, which is imported into Japan.
Source: zoopicture.ru