Chronicle shoots animals from the Moscow Zoo

The beginning of the 1920s. Elephant Mauritius, coming to irritation, broke the fence, walked out of the Zoo, at Kudrinskaya Square smashed the window of a bakery and ate all the bread, then the employee may dwell soothe zoo elephant in place.

1929. Bars with a complex, pre-exhaust jump jumped out of the cage and disappeared into one of the houses outside the zoo. When jumping from the roof of the house was caught by the tail member KYuBZa G. Ulyanov.

About 1943. Capricorn fled from quarantine. At the Grand Georgian went to the barber shop and saw his reflection in the mirror, broke it. Was arrested and livestock expert veterinarian.

1960s. The adult male orangutan came out of the cell and fright gave a rout in the case of primates. Zoo director IP Sosnowski drove him back into the cage a warning shot from a gun.

1960s. Group of penguins donated by whalers, escaped from the poorly equipped enclosure. Were arrested on the steps of Krasnopresnensky department store, almost two kilometers from the zoo. Penguins also staged shoots from nursery Zvenigorod (Moscow State University Biological Station), were caught by local residents of the Moscow River and back.

The beginning of the 1980s. Flew several crowned cranes; After having wandered over the big pond, most of them scattered around the city and killed. One landing on the food plait pond, was arrested M. Matveev, who managed to sneak up on him quietly.

1983. Young crocodile struck late in the evening and left the net enclosure at the zoo. Was arrested herpetologist SV Kudryavtsev.

1980s. Taking advantage of not closed door, escaped from the detention center gibbon, entrenched then on the roof. During the arrest resisted biting.

1980s. Several horses escaped from the zoo, huddled together in a herd and were able to get to the square of the Bolshoi Theater, where they were detained.

The end of the 1980s. Red wolves are placed on the Isle of animals, jumped out of the enclosure, building on the opposite wall (in the nature of living in rocky terrain).

The end of the 1990s. Young cheetah, escaped from the cage, tried to hunt pony, who was returning from the stables with drovers "rolling circle". Was seen before the attack and arrested.

The end of the 1990s. Using an attempt to enter the cell-free content, flew a few peacocks. Were subsequently detained by ornithologists with the support of the inhabitants of Presnensky district.

The beginning of the 2000s. Escape marten (marten zheltogrudaya). Previously, she escapes inside the zoo, aviary attacked flamingos. Do not be caught by the incoming data, lived in the city, hunting cats.

The beginning of the 2000s. Black antelope were repeatedly outside the enclosure. After investigation it turned out that they crawled through a half-meter gap under the fence, pre-poking his head in with massive horns.

2008. Runaway nutria was detained at the bus stop where passengers are waiting to feed her bread.

2013. The attacker opened the night bird cages in a field section, but was attacked by a goose. Two eagles were released around the cage, waiting for the arrival of staff. Zoo animals perceive their place of residence as its own territory.

Source: moscowzoo.ru