Welcome: permitted to touch!
Raccoons and ostriches can be found in any zoo, but to see in their own way - touch it - only in the contact. 3 months ago in Moscow has opened a place where all the animals you can pet, touch, and play. The special purpose of the zoo for the visually impaired children with autism or Down syndrome, ... because these children know the world is more important than your hands! Out of the blue room crowd leave happy boys and girls with sawdust on the pants, almost all wearing glasses. There are children with Down's syndrome or autism. Outside, the bus and go on a shopping center parking stands, but there - animals, pond and colored walls.
Zoo there are only three months, and plump book reviews and even less, but the third page sploshnyakom painted and painted with gratitude. "In Moscow, the culture of communication with animals is poorly developed. We originally opened for blind children, which is available only tactile contact. But also for health is also very important, "- says the zoo director Svetlana Trubkin. Despite the social importance of the activity, management does not hesitate to call it a business. This auditory training rather than the truth: the zoo is working without state support, and the smallest benefits, old and sick, and many have already established themselves.
"We've got a dress code," - said Dmitry smilingly from the team of employees, giving visitors the orange shoe. Here innovative purity.
"I remember, I was in a pet store come and ask an animal that does not emit odor. In this zoo you can see, it depends on how to contain it, "- says Svetlana Trubkin.
Forced ventilation air filter so that with closed eyes you do not understand, you're at the zoo or at the sawmill if what smells, only wood. The room is small, but a lot of sawdust pens: for ostriches, raccoons, dwarf goats and horses. Even ezhat houses are on the fragrant wood chips. Occasionally rabbits are acting up and pour it into the room, but at this diligently monitor schoolgirl volonterki, sweep.
Yulia Gerasimova and Angelina Sokolyuk twelve years. From Konkovo the zoo in Teply Stan brought their dreams for the future, one wants to be a veterinarian, and the other to work in the stables. Relationships in the family team almost from the first minute felt: here all on equal terms. Young volunteers talk with senior staff on "you».
"Katya, and draw a butterfly! Wow, you have now two studs? - Julia considers regular hair artist Catherine Saiko. - Handsomely".
Katya - the ideological makeup. Draws muzzles tigers, leopards and other predators on the faces of everyone. His girls - free of charge every day. In this zoo and help look after the animals come first-graders, even seven years.
Animals at the petting zoo are selected on a simple principle: what pobezopasnee and poobschitelnee (not very tired of people). Evil predators here, but the good - there: next to the chinchilla sitting on a tree Barn Owl in a cage. "Children are not hurt, but the proximity to rodents, of course, it is psychologically difficult," - says the animator and soul of Zoo Snow Lida. Such places are usually chamber, so the compactness of the animals is also an important parameter. Zoo "baby animals as toys" is located on the third floor of the mall, but a dwarf horse Knop still goes for a walk. How? Get down to the elevator. In winter Knop rolls down the street kids at the special sledges.
"Animals are mostly rescued circus. Here are our raccoons - is failed fur coats and hats, "- says Lida, feeding enotihu Duxiu.
I must say that in this petting zoo is very different from the usual: you can feed the animals, and all the well-fed. Young visitors, healthy and sick, take the cups with a freshly prepared delicacies and go feed the hedgehogs. Laugh. Above the plate hedgehogs "can bite!", But this is just in case. The parents in this regard can be quiet: all the animals in the petting zoo are taught to be polite.
Enotiha Darling
Often here lead tours of schools for sick children. "There was a week to us one or two groups of orphans did not come", - says Dmitry. More often organize workshops:
"The head of the municipal council Teply Stan Mikhail Smirnov taught children to cook our pets. And the apples and cut carrots and cabbage, we tore hands. Children from this were just thrilled! "- Says Dmitry, taking photos of children.
Everyone in here give a gift magnet to just make shots.
The plans of "little animals ..." invited stars on his master classes. The first visitors will likely be brothers Zapashnye.
Source: www.ridus.ru

Zoo there are only three months, and plump book reviews and even less, but the third page sploshnyakom painted and painted with gratitude. "In Moscow, the culture of communication with animals is poorly developed. We originally opened for blind children, which is available only tactile contact. But also for health is also very important, "- says the zoo director Svetlana Trubkin. Despite the social importance of the activity, management does not hesitate to call it a business. This auditory training rather than the truth: the zoo is working without state support, and the smallest benefits, old and sick, and many have already established themselves.

"We've got a dress code," - said Dmitry smilingly from the team of employees, giving visitors the orange shoe. Here innovative purity.
"I remember, I was in a pet store come and ask an animal that does not emit odor. In this zoo you can see, it depends on how to contain it, "- says Svetlana Trubkin.
Forced ventilation air filter so that with closed eyes you do not understand, you're at the zoo or at the sawmill if what smells, only wood. The room is small, but a lot of sawdust pens: for ostriches, raccoons, dwarf goats and horses. Even ezhat houses are on the fragrant wood chips. Occasionally rabbits are acting up and pour it into the room, but at this diligently monitor schoolgirl volonterki, sweep.

Yulia Gerasimova and Angelina Sokolyuk twelve years. From Konkovo the zoo in Teply Stan brought their dreams for the future, one wants to be a veterinarian, and the other to work in the stables. Relationships in the family team almost from the first minute felt: here all on equal terms. Young volunteers talk with senior staff on "you».
"Katya, and draw a butterfly! Wow, you have now two studs? - Julia considers regular hair artist Catherine Saiko. - Handsomely".
Katya - the ideological makeup. Draws muzzles tigers, leopards and other predators on the faces of everyone. His girls - free of charge every day. In this zoo and help look after the animals come first-graders, even seven years.

Animals at the petting zoo are selected on a simple principle: what pobezopasnee and poobschitelnee (not very tired of people). Evil predators here, but the good - there: next to the chinchilla sitting on a tree Barn Owl in a cage. "Children are not hurt, but the proximity to rodents, of course, it is psychologically difficult," - says the animator and soul of Zoo Snow Lida. Such places are usually chamber, so the compactness of the animals is also an important parameter. Zoo "baby animals as toys" is located on the third floor of the mall, but a dwarf horse Knop still goes for a walk. How? Get down to the elevator. In winter Knop rolls down the street kids at the special sledges.

"Animals are mostly rescued circus. Here are our raccoons - is failed fur coats and hats, "- says Lida, feeding enotihu Duxiu.
I must say that in this petting zoo is very different from the usual: you can feed the animals, and all the well-fed. Young visitors, healthy and sick, take the cups with a freshly prepared delicacies and go feed the hedgehogs. Laugh. Above the plate hedgehogs "can bite!", But this is just in case. The parents in this regard can be quiet: all the animals in the petting zoo are taught to be polite.

Enotiha Darling

Often here lead tours of schools for sick children. "There was a week to us one or two groups of orphans did not come", - says Dmitry. More often organize workshops:
"The head of the municipal council Teply Stan Mikhail Smirnov taught children to cook our pets. And the apples and cut carrots and cabbage, we tore hands. Children from this were just thrilled! "- Says Dmitry, taking photos of children.
Everyone in here give a gift magnet to just make shots.
The plans of "little animals ..." invited stars on his master classes. The first visitors will likely be brothers Zapashnye.

Source: www.ridus.ru