Ecover - make bottles thrown into the ocean of garbage
The Ecover company that produces environmentally friendly cleaning products, utilizes as raw materials for its plastic packaging debris caught from the oceans. Now the sea is about 46 thousand bottles and other plastic objects that pollute the water wealth of the planet. The company named its new product the "Ocean Bottle" to draw attention to environmental pollution, according to Inhabitat.
Every year at least one million sea animals die because of trash in the ocean. Fish swallow more than 24 thousand tons of plastic every year, as larger animals. To change the situation, Ecover has teamed up with packaging manufacturer Logoplaste to create unique containers from recycled plastic, caught in the ocean.
Raw materials for the production of bottles and jars, the company will gather on the banks, where it is left fishing vessels. Ecover also hire a few boats with special equipment that will catch debris from the ocean. The first batch of containers will contain only 10% recycled plastic as Ecover can't be sure about the quality of the catch. But in the future the company hopes to increase the share of ocean trash in their bottles.

Source: energysafe.ru