Smart cushion from the stress and scoliosis+videos
Most of the Wearables, and smart fitness devices aimed primarily at athletes and users, leading a healthy and active lifestyle. And Dr. Hu, Junhao decided to mention lazy, which is difficult to break away from the chair, not that gym.
Hu, Junhao has developed a unique smart cushion that syncs with mobile devices. With built-in ultra-thin sensors it detects even the slightest movement of the user, based on which it makes conclusions about posture, breathing and even heart rate.
In addition, using pillows and special application installed on the smartphone, the user will be able to learn about their level of stress and fatigue, as well as to get helpful tips and personal recommendations. For example, if the cushion detects that you long sit on one place without movement, it will offer you to walk and stretch, but if you slouch, it will summon to straighten his back. Such a reminder would not be amiss for professionals sedentary occupations working in the office.
Currently, the smart cushion is under development. The author plans in June to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to start production of the gadget. The cost of such pillows will be $ 149-249.
Source: techcult.ru