How to overcome a sweet tooth
Sixty two million one hundred seventeen thousand four hundred eight
Unexpected ideas come to mind and intellectuals-scientists, and ordinary people. But unlike us, scientists can brand a serious view to propose an extravagant conjecture, to spend money on their proof or refutation, to gather around them, the symposia, to defend the thesis — no one word against not say. Even be respectful to nod, give grants, honorary titles. And then, you see, and the Nobel prize will be awarded.
A group of curious research staff of the Oregon research Institute the Nobel prize has not yet received, but got funding and bought all the money sweet chocolate milkshakes and began to treat their unsuspecting Oregonians passing through and guests of the state. The trick was that the cocktails were different. In some lots of sweet syrup and skim milk is almost water. In others, mental fat milk, but the syrup dripped more for appearance than for taste. The third cocktail recipe was borrowed at a soup kitchen for the poor — no sugar, no fat. But in the fourth have not regretted either one or the other, sugar and cream measured out in full measure.
What is the result? The result is perfect, everyone is happy: scientists have satisfied the curiosity, the subjects thirst and hunger. Just do not rush, please condemn our experimenters because they stupidly flushed down the toilet (eventually) a fair amount of valuable products. Received rezultatima not only be interesting to theoreticians, but to be useful to everyone who are thinking about a healthy diet.
In particular, they explain why it is so hard to withdraw from sugar addiction. Confirmed a hunch that the amount of sugar in the cocktail is directly proportional to the excitation power centers of the brain responsible for the promotion and motivation. And that's what this means for you: the sweeter the cocktail, the more likely that you will not be able to stop until you finish it to the end, even if the stomach is full to bursting. But the increase in the fat content of the beverage while maintaining the sweetness level of such dependence is not revealed. The excitation of pleasure centers remained unchanged. In other words, we are powerless against the sweet temptation not because it is weak, but because the sugar monster clicks on the buttons that disable our will.
Sixty nine million three hundred eighty two thousand nine hundred forty nine
The struggle Nanai boys
So how can that be, if your consciousness requires a renunciation of the sugar, and the subconscious mind, on the contrary, persuaded me: well eat another piece? The strongest argument that eating sugar will inevitably lead to diabetes, heart attacks and strokes, often broken in our argument with ourselves about basic physiology, and we again reach the spoon to the bowl with jam.
In such a situation, when our brain is busy hateful struggle Nanai boys, it is useful to draw on the side of reason additional arguments. According to the latest who recommendations, the daily intake of sugar should not exceed 25 grams for an adult with a normal body mass index. Compare this number with the amount of sugar trapped in the body along with eaten yesterday products. Natural sugar from fruits, vegetables, milk or yogurt in calculation not to accept. But the sugar added to coffee and tea, swallowed with cookies, biscuits, muffins, candies, ice cream, you need to consider to milligrams. For clarity, you can pour near hill the who recommended 25 grams and the mountain real sugar eaten by you. A comparison can impress you and push to the right conclusions and actions.
Some believe that it's time for draconian measures, and urge the government to strike producers of sugar products and those with a sweet tooth can afford. But we more and more rely on private initiative conscious citizens.
Clearing sugar mountain
Sugar manipulates our subconscious. The unfortunate fact proven by science, and facts, it is useless to argue. But we'll show you a few techniques which can be contrasted with the insidiousness of the threat of the white enemy.
The first and most simple — resolutely refuse aerated water, fruit drinks, sweet coffee and tea. What amount of extra sugar you will save? In a case of soda dissolved not less than 4-5 teaspoons, that is 40 grams of sugar. So you do the math.
Second — substitute sweet snacks for savoury. It happens that the hunger catches up with us between Breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner, and we decide to eat the cookie or cracker to chew on a carrot or a cupcake. In such case, it is much better to keep on hand a supply of mini carrots, a handful of nuts, unsweetened yogurt.
Third, the choice of dessert, replace the artificial sweetness of cookies, muffins, sweets and cakes with all-natural, fruit. Yes, in some fruits, the sugar content can be substantial, but in any case, in bananas, pineapples, oranges or melon it is less than in Eclair.
Fourth, check how much sugar is in your Breakfast and if necessary replace favorite varieties of cereals, muesli, flakes like this, but not sweet. Instead of a smear of jam on toast peanut butter. But if completely abandon the sweet unbearable, replace the sugar with honey or maple syrup in reasonable quantities.
You will be surprised how much sugar dunes will disappear from your path, if you follow the simple rules.
Source: /users/413