Everyone sees and hears only what they feel.

An American was walking with his Indian friend on a crowded street in New York City. The Indian suddenly exclaimed:
- I hear a cricket.
- You're crazy, the American replied, gaze over the crowded central street at rush hour.

Everywhere there were cars, construction workers, planes flying overhead.
- But, I do hear a cricket, the Indian insisted, moving towards a flower bed, broken in front of a bizarre building of some institution.

Then he bent down, spread the leaves of the plants and showed his friend a cricket, blithely chirping and enjoying life.
- Amazing, a friend responded. - You must have a fantastic hearing.
- No way. It all depends on what you’re up to, he explained.
- It's hard for me to believe it, the American said.
- Well, look, he said, and scattered a handful of coins around the sidewalk.

Immediately passers-by wrapped their heads and climbed into their pockets to see if they woke up money.
- You see, the Indian's eyes flashed, it all depends on what you're up to.

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Source: rodovid.me


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