Created an injection that helps to reduce weight
Experts have developed a unique product that will safely, and, most importantly, efficiently, to reduce the weight using only one injection a day, and it will help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes, slow the progression of such diseases as Alzheimer's disease.
There is a new injection type "hormone appetite", that is, it creates, being in the body, the effect of imaginary saturation, therefore, the person does not feel constant hunger.
The basis of injection compounds – liraglutide, sending the brain a signal about saturation. At the moment liraglutide sell as antidiabetic remedies, and still today is in full swing talking about the implementation of this drug as a treatment for obesity.
According to the results of the held research, women who injected liraglutide before Breakfast, for the year, lost 8.6 kg. a third noted the decrease in weight of 10.4 kg.
Now the problem of obesity for European residents takes just rampant.
Physicians believe that injection therapy can be physical stress and alternative diets, which often do not bring any results. Lowering excess weight will help to reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, some cancers, and even diabetes.
It is expected that the injectable drug from obesity will very soon receive the approval of the authorized persons. Most likely, the drug will arrive on the shelves during the current year.

Source: globalscience.ru
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