How not to die from a heart attack in 40 years—5 rules
Seven million four hundred ninety five thousand four hundred fifty six
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. According to estimates by the who, they account for a third of all cases of death in humans. More than half of the adult population of Russia has certain risk factors. However, heart disease can be prevented through healthy eating, giving up Smoking and adding to the life of more physical activity. "MN" has chosen five most effective ways to avoid heart attack and stroke.
Normal body mass index
One of the major risk factors of cardiovascular disease is poor diet and overweight, which can lead to obesity, diabetes and impaired lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. To find out whether your body weight growth and whether it is normal, you can use the calculator of body mass index.
The upper limit of normal is 25. Exceeding this limit at least for a few units at the age of 30-45 years increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 10% on average, both men and women.
However, in the calculation it is necessary to exclude those cases when we are talking about people with developed muscles and a large muscle mass. Here the result will be biased. In addition, great importance is the distribution of excess weight. People whose weight is evenly distributed throughout the body, less risk than those who have extra pounds are concentrated, for example, in the stomach. The loss of at least 10% of body fat leads to a significant improvement of the cardiovascular system and reduces the likelihood of diseases.
To strengthen the heart muscle, use cardio. These include Cycling, swimming in the pool, classes, cardio equipment, intense aerobics and Jogging, which normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular cardio reduces the heart rate and pulse. Three months it can be reduced to an optimal 65 beats per minute.
Start exercising with the purpose of treatment should be slow running. Then you can gradually increase your stride length and speed to run 1 km for 6-8 minutes. Higher speed is not recommended by doctors. When a strong fatigue, shortness of breath, discomfort in the heart area, abdomen and joints of the feet need to go from running to walking.
10,000 steps a day
Regular exercise, running in particular, is an effective way to strengthen the heart muscle, however, to improve the cardiovascular system is insignificant enough physical exertion, quite fit into the normal daily schedule. The easiest and most effective option — the walk at a different pace. It improves blood flow to the brain and heart. The world health organization recommends to take daily to 10 thousand steps to maintain the normal low physical activity. It is approximately 5-6 km in the Most part of inhabitants of Russia due to passive lifestyle and sedentary work are not and half of this distance.
To rectify the situation through daily walks in the fresh air. In addition, it is recommended to use surface public transport, getting to work or the metro, and more likely to climb up the stairs and escalators. Walking also promotes weight loss and reduces the chance of developing diabetes, maintaining optimal balance of blood sugar.
In the prevention of cardiovascular disease a special role should be given to nutrition. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits and fiber, which collects cholesterol and removes it from the body. The use of sugar and salt in turn it is desirable to minimize. From animal fats should be abandoned altogether, as they contribute to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on walls of vessels and their blockage. However, vegetable fats and fish oils, which contain unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, on the contrary, lower levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And because the diet must enter the fish and seafood. Russian and Western doctors recommend eating 1-2 grams of fish oil per day.
Quitting Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
Another way to reduce the chance of developing cardiovascular disease is to quit Smoking and not abuse alcohol. Tobacco smoke causes spasms of blood vessels and increased heart rate. As a result, the likelihood of developing the disease increases up to 70 times. With the cessation of Smoking tobacco toxins cease to act on the body, and a few years after quitting the risk of heart attack and stroke decreases to the level of nonsmokers.
With regard to alcohol, then to abandon it completely optional, but you need to know the measure. A glass of red wine is unlikely to greatly harm you, but one glass is usually the feast is not limited. Any alcohol is a shot of toxins which put additional strain on the heart and blood vessels. His excessive drinking also leads to the development of heart disease.
Fail Ageev, the head of the scientific-clinical Department of research Institute of cardiology. A. L. Myasnikov Russian cardiology research and production complex health Ministry of Russian Federation:
"According to the statistics of Rosstat, the situation with cardiovascular diseases in Russia is improving, especially with the stroke. But all this does not negate the fact that we are still one of the highest rates of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the world. And all because a significant portion of the population smokes and drinks, is a passive way of life and neglects his own health.
In addition, the population is not very well informed about the risk factors and falls under the influence of advertising of cigarettes, fast food and dietary Supplements, while society must be the fashion for proper nutrition, avoiding harmful habits. I hope that the law banning Smoking will contribute to that, because the current situation is close to critical.
In addition, you must undergo a medical examination at least once every three years. Older people should do more often, especially if you are aware of the diseases or predisposition to them. The risk group also includes representatives of a number of professions: pilots, drivers, flight attendants and so on. They should be checked every six months. Mandatory examinations — ECG, lipid profile, analysis of cholesterol and glucose in the blood."
Source: /users/147
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. According to estimates by the who, they account for a third of all cases of death in humans. More than half of the adult population of Russia has certain risk factors. However, heart disease can be prevented through healthy eating, giving up Smoking and adding to the life of more physical activity. "MN" has chosen five most effective ways to avoid heart attack and stroke.
Normal body mass index
One of the major risk factors of cardiovascular disease is poor diet and overweight, which can lead to obesity, diabetes and impaired lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. To find out whether your body weight growth and whether it is normal, you can use the calculator of body mass index.
The upper limit of normal is 25. Exceeding this limit at least for a few units at the age of 30-45 years increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 10% on average, both men and women.
However, in the calculation it is necessary to exclude those cases when we are talking about people with developed muscles and a large muscle mass. Here the result will be biased. In addition, great importance is the distribution of excess weight. People whose weight is evenly distributed throughout the body, less risk than those who have extra pounds are concentrated, for example, in the stomach. The loss of at least 10% of body fat leads to a significant improvement of the cardiovascular system and reduces the likelihood of diseases.
To strengthen the heart muscle, use cardio. These include Cycling, swimming in the pool, classes, cardio equipment, intense aerobics and Jogging, which normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular cardio reduces the heart rate and pulse. Three months it can be reduced to an optimal 65 beats per minute.
Start exercising with the purpose of treatment should be slow running. Then you can gradually increase your stride length and speed to run 1 km for 6-8 minutes. Higher speed is not recommended by doctors. When a strong fatigue, shortness of breath, discomfort in the heart area, abdomen and joints of the feet need to go from running to walking.
10,000 steps a day
Regular exercise, running in particular, is an effective way to strengthen the heart muscle, however, to improve the cardiovascular system is insignificant enough physical exertion, quite fit into the normal daily schedule. The easiest and most effective option — the walk at a different pace. It improves blood flow to the brain and heart. The world health organization recommends to take daily to 10 thousand steps to maintain the normal low physical activity. It is approximately 5-6 km in the Most part of inhabitants of Russia due to passive lifestyle and sedentary work are not and half of this distance.
To rectify the situation through daily walks in the fresh air. In addition, it is recommended to use surface public transport, getting to work or the metro, and more likely to climb up the stairs and escalators. Walking also promotes weight loss and reduces the chance of developing diabetes, maintaining optimal balance of blood sugar.
In the prevention of cardiovascular disease a special role should be given to nutrition. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits and fiber, which collects cholesterol and removes it from the body. The use of sugar and salt in turn it is desirable to minimize. From animal fats should be abandoned altogether, as they contribute to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on walls of vessels and their blockage. However, vegetable fats and fish oils, which contain unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, on the contrary, lower levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And because the diet must enter the fish and seafood. Russian and Western doctors recommend eating 1-2 grams of fish oil per day.
Quitting Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
Another way to reduce the chance of developing cardiovascular disease is to quit Smoking and not abuse alcohol. Tobacco smoke causes spasms of blood vessels and increased heart rate. As a result, the likelihood of developing the disease increases up to 70 times. With the cessation of Smoking tobacco toxins cease to act on the body, and a few years after quitting the risk of heart attack and stroke decreases to the level of nonsmokers.
With regard to alcohol, then to abandon it completely optional, but you need to know the measure. A glass of red wine is unlikely to greatly harm you, but one glass is usually the feast is not limited. Any alcohol is a shot of toxins which put additional strain on the heart and blood vessels. His excessive drinking also leads to the development of heart disease.
Fail Ageev, the head of the scientific-clinical Department of research Institute of cardiology. A. L. Myasnikov Russian cardiology research and production complex health Ministry of Russian Federation:
"According to the statistics of Rosstat, the situation with cardiovascular diseases in Russia is improving, especially with the stroke. But all this does not negate the fact that we are still one of the highest rates of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the world. And all because a significant portion of the population smokes and drinks, is a passive way of life and neglects his own health.
In addition, the population is not very well informed about the risk factors and falls under the influence of advertising of cigarettes, fast food and dietary Supplements, while society must be the fashion for proper nutrition, avoiding harmful habits. I hope that the law banning Smoking will contribute to that, because the current situation is close to critical.
In addition, you must undergo a medical examination at least once every three years. Older people should do more often, especially if you are aware of the diseases or predisposition to them. The risk group also includes representatives of a number of professions: pilots, drivers, flight attendants and so on. They should be checked every six months. Mandatory examinations — ECG, lipid profile, analysis of cholesterol and glucose in the blood."
Source: /users/147