Unsolved mysteries of the twentieth century
Materials — Discover the world
1900 — the lighthouse Eileen IOE on the island Flannan. Disappeared all watch keepers of the lighthouse.
1902 — "Paris failed. In the night from 29 to 30 of December in 1 hour 05 minutes in many places of Paris watch has stopped.
1908 — the Tunguska bolide (meteorite).
1911 — July 14 with the Rome train station to the "cruise", hosted by the firm "Canetti" for wealthy Italians came walking train. 106 passengers saw the sights surrounding the new section of road. The train was approaching supergenome the tunnel. And all of a sudden started to happen something terrible. According to the testimony of two passengers who managed to jump out on the move, all of a sudden was covered with milky white mist, as it approaches the tunnel was clearly turning into a viscous liquid. The train entered the tunnel and disappeared.
1911 — the birth of the prophetess Vanga, which received the gift of prophecy after it claimed the tornado.
1912 — the Giant ocean liner "Titanic" collided with an iceberg and sank. Killing more than 1,300 people. But this tragedy was predicted by several people.
1913 — the coast of Tierra del Fuego was discovered the sailing ship "Marlborough" from serebrenniki sails. On the bridge and in the rooms were found the remains of 20 people. Records in the logbook the ship had left New Zealand in early 1890, but in one port did not come.
1916 — in the Summer, during the melting of the glaciers on mount Ararat pilot Lieutenant Roskovitsky and his co-pilot on reconnaissance aircraft of the Imperial air force have discovered on mount Ararat the ark.
1918 — the shooting of the family of the last Emperor Nicholas II. Our time is not found the remains of all family members, which led to the emergence of several Anastasius and heirs.
1920 — the Alleged discovery of the ancient Slavic monument — "book of Veles", the authenticity of which is disputed in our time.
1922 — On the river Paint (USA) noticed a huge animal with a snake-like neck and a large head, resembling a relic of the lizard.
1924 — Near the village of Taung (South Africa) found "skull Taung child", whose age is estimated at 2.5 million years. Hypothesis attribute to him an extraterrestrial origin.
1925 — In the career of a brick factory Odintsovo have been found fossilized "human brain", perfectly conveys all the details. But the find dates back to the Paleozoic era (about 300 million years ago) when there were no mammals...
1928 — Over the village Sukkawala about Vedlozero (Karelia) observed a ten-span cylindrical body, from the tail which came out the flame.
1933 — the First observation of monster in the Scottish lake Loch ness (Nessie). To date there are about 4000 observations and meetings with him. Study the sonar of the total volume of the lake in 1992, I found 5 giant lizards.
1943 — In October of this year in the United States in an atmosphere of secrecy was conducted unprecedented in the history of the experiment to create an invisible warship.
1945 — the Mass invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).
1945 — the Mysterious disappearance of leaders of the Third Reich (müller, Bormann and others).
1945 — the Evening of December 5 disappeared 6 aircraft in the Bermuda triangle.
1946 — In Bridport (Australia) on the ocean shore found the corpse of a giant hairy animal.
1946 — USA (new Mexico) crashed unknown aircraft. Among the debris was found six corpses of creatures like man. To investigate the incident of September 18 was set up a Committee headed by the Director of the CIA Admiral Hillenkoeter. The time of the official birth of UFOlogy.
1946 — USA (new Mexico) crashed unknown aircraft. Among the debris was found six corpses of creatures like man. To investigate the incident of September 18 was set up a Committee headed by the Director of the CIA Admiral Hillenkoeter. The time of the official birth of UFOlogy.
1948 — September 8 on lake of bays (Ontario, Canada) was seen "river monsters" — "big, blue-black, with two triangular growths on the back" animal.
1955 — In Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA, after the explosion of a UFO for some time had seen a small glowing man with huge eyes.
1955 — the death of the battleship "Novorossiysk". Burst, burst under his bottom on the night of 29 October 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. The huge ship turned over and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol — in the eyes of thousands of citizens.
1956 — In August, on the British air base UFO chased by fighter.
Source: /users/104

1900 — the lighthouse Eileen IOE on the island Flannan. Disappeared all watch keepers of the lighthouse.
1902 — "Paris failed. In the night from 29 to 30 of December in 1 hour 05 minutes in many places of Paris watch has stopped.
1908 — the Tunguska bolide (meteorite).
1911 — July 14 with the Rome train station to the "cruise", hosted by the firm "Canetti" for wealthy Italians came walking train. 106 passengers saw the sights surrounding the new section of road. The train was approaching supergenome the tunnel. And all of a sudden started to happen something terrible. According to the testimony of two passengers who managed to jump out on the move, all of a sudden was covered with milky white mist, as it approaches the tunnel was clearly turning into a viscous liquid. The train entered the tunnel and disappeared.
1911 — the birth of the prophetess Vanga, which received the gift of prophecy after it claimed the tornado.
1912 — the Giant ocean liner "Titanic" collided with an iceberg and sank. Killing more than 1,300 people. But this tragedy was predicted by several people.
1913 — the coast of Tierra del Fuego was discovered the sailing ship "Marlborough" from serebrenniki sails. On the bridge and in the rooms were found the remains of 20 people. Records in the logbook the ship had left New Zealand in early 1890, but in one port did not come.
1916 — in the Summer, during the melting of the glaciers on mount Ararat pilot Lieutenant Roskovitsky and his co-pilot on reconnaissance aircraft of the Imperial air force have discovered on mount Ararat the ark.
1918 — the shooting of the family of the last Emperor Nicholas II. Our time is not found the remains of all family members, which led to the emergence of several Anastasius and heirs.
1920 — the Alleged discovery of the ancient Slavic monument — "book of Veles", the authenticity of which is disputed in our time.
1922 — On the river Paint (USA) noticed a huge animal with a snake-like neck and a large head, resembling a relic of the lizard.
1924 — Near the village of Taung (South Africa) found "skull Taung child", whose age is estimated at 2.5 million years. Hypothesis attribute to him an extraterrestrial origin.
1925 — In the career of a brick factory Odintsovo have been found fossilized "human brain", perfectly conveys all the details. But the find dates back to the Paleozoic era (about 300 million years ago) when there were no mammals...
1928 — Over the village Sukkawala about Vedlozero (Karelia) observed a ten-span cylindrical body, from the tail which came out the flame.
1933 — the First observation of monster in the Scottish lake Loch ness (Nessie). To date there are about 4000 observations and meetings with him. Study the sonar of the total volume of the lake in 1992, I found 5 giant lizards.
1943 — In October of this year in the United States in an atmosphere of secrecy was conducted unprecedented in the history of the experiment to create an invisible warship.
1945 — the Mass invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).
1945 — the Mysterious disappearance of leaders of the Third Reich (müller, Bormann and others).
1945 — the Evening of December 5 disappeared 6 aircraft in the Bermuda triangle.
1946 — In Bridport (Australia) on the ocean shore found the corpse of a giant hairy animal.
1946 — USA (new Mexico) crashed unknown aircraft. Among the debris was found six corpses of creatures like man. To investigate the incident of September 18 was set up a Committee headed by the Director of the CIA Admiral Hillenkoeter. The time of the official birth of UFOlogy.
1946 — USA (new Mexico) crashed unknown aircraft. Among the debris was found six corpses of creatures like man. To investigate the incident of September 18 was set up a Committee headed by the Director of the CIA Admiral Hillenkoeter. The time of the official birth of UFOlogy.
1948 — September 8 on lake of bays (Ontario, Canada) was seen "river monsters" — "big, blue-black, with two triangular growths on the back" animal.
1955 — In Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA, after the explosion of a UFO for some time had seen a small glowing man with huge eyes.
1955 — the death of the battleship "Novorossiysk". Burst, burst under his bottom on the night of 29 October 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. The huge ship turned over and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol — in the eyes of thousands of citizens.
1956 — In August, on the British air base UFO chased by fighter.
Source: /users/104