Extinct animal species due to human fault
On the planet there are constantly some changes, from very minor to the most global. Climate change and the process of human life - deforestation, hunting for animals, littering nature with waste, all this has a very harmful effect on the animal world. Animals are not just suffering from all this, they are dying right before our eyes. The Red Book of endangered animals is replenished every day, and in the list of completely disappeared from the earth already several hundred species. According to the World Conservation Union, in 2008, 844 species of animals became extinct in the last 500 years. In this issue, we present several species of extinct animals due to human fault. Perhaps, remembering this collection of photos of extinct species, the next time you will collect garbage after going to the forest.
Extinct species of animals, which, in one way or another, contributed to man.
Thylacin is a Tasmanian marsupial tiger.
Thylacin closely resembled a dog with a long tail and stripes on its back. The thylacine or Tasmanian marsupial tiger became extinct when settlers invaded its range. There is evidence that Tilacin was so unprepared to meet people that he could die not only from the wounds he received, but also from the shock he received.
Zebra Quagga.
For the sake of a strong, beautiful skin of this animal, people destroyed the entire population of the zebra Quagga. The meat of the extinct animal was thrown away because it was not the object of hunting. At the Dutch Zoo in Amsterdam, the last specimen died on August 12, 1883.
Baiji is a Chinese river dolphin.
The Chinese River Dolphin, which lived in the rivers of Yangtze Asia, was not hunted, but indirectly involved in its extinction. The waters of the river were full of merchant and cargo ships, which simply polluted the river. In 2006, a special expedition confirmed that Baiji no longer exists as a species.
The golden frog.
The Golden Frog was discovered in 1966. She lived in Monteverde, Costa Rica. For a long time there was an ideal temperature and humidity for the life of this creature, but human activity violated the usual parameters of the environment, which led to the extinction of this species of frog. The last Golden Frog was observed in 1989.
A passenger pigeon.
There were a lot of traveling pigeons. So people didn’t appreciate what they had. They were exterminated thoughtlessly. These pigeons were very affordable and cheap food for the poor. In just one century, the Wandering Pigeon went extinct to Americans suddenly. For a long time they searched for the reasons for such an incomprehensible for them extinction of the bird and composed all sorts of improbable stories, but the answer is one – the Wandering Pigeon was simply exterminated. The last pigeon died on September 1, 1914 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The dront, a bird that lost its ability to fly, lived on the island of Mauritius. European colonists hunted the bird for delicious meat, besides its nests were ruined by cats and pigs brought from the big land. The last bird was destroyed in 1680.
Karolinska parrot
Hunters constantly hunted the Karolinska parrot and mercilessly exterminated, because they harmed fruit trees. As a result, only one pair remained at the Cincinnati Zoo, but both died between 1917 and 1918.
The Steller cow or sea cow is a mammal belonging to the order of sirens. It looked like a manatee, only bigger. Once they swam in large herds at the very surface of the water and fed on sea kale, which also floats on the surface. Steller cow began to eat, its meat was valued with a very pleasant taste. Thirty years of hunting the sea cow, it was completely exterminated. According to various accounts, the last sea cows were seen in the 1970s.
Steller's coglan
Like a penguin. Sailors hunted them, because their meat was tasty, and the prey of this bird was not difficult. As a result, in 1912, the last information about Baklan Steller came.
A wingless aunt. It was exterminated in 1844 on the island of Eldei, near Iceland.
Turan tiger. Another extinct species. The last tiger was killed in 1922 near Tbilisi.
Source: /users/104
Extinct species of animals, which, in one way or another, contributed to man.
Thylacin is a Tasmanian marsupial tiger.
Thylacin closely resembled a dog with a long tail and stripes on its back. The thylacine or Tasmanian marsupial tiger became extinct when settlers invaded its range. There is evidence that Tilacin was so unprepared to meet people that he could die not only from the wounds he received, but also from the shock he received.
Zebra Quagga.
For the sake of a strong, beautiful skin of this animal, people destroyed the entire population of the zebra Quagga. The meat of the extinct animal was thrown away because it was not the object of hunting. At the Dutch Zoo in Amsterdam, the last specimen died on August 12, 1883.
Baiji is a Chinese river dolphin.
The Chinese River Dolphin, which lived in the rivers of Yangtze Asia, was not hunted, but indirectly involved in its extinction. The waters of the river were full of merchant and cargo ships, which simply polluted the river. In 2006, a special expedition confirmed that Baiji no longer exists as a species.
The golden frog.
The Golden Frog was discovered in 1966. She lived in Monteverde, Costa Rica. For a long time there was an ideal temperature and humidity for the life of this creature, but human activity violated the usual parameters of the environment, which led to the extinction of this species of frog. The last Golden Frog was observed in 1989.
A passenger pigeon.
There were a lot of traveling pigeons. So people didn’t appreciate what they had. They were exterminated thoughtlessly. These pigeons were very affordable and cheap food for the poor. In just one century, the Wandering Pigeon went extinct to Americans suddenly. For a long time they searched for the reasons for such an incomprehensible for them extinction of the bird and composed all sorts of improbable stories, but the answer is one – the Wandering Pigeon was simply exterminated. The last pigeon died on September 1, 1914 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The dront, a bird that lost its ability to fly, lived on the island of Mauritius. European colonists hunted the bird for delicious meat, besides its nests were ruined by cats and pigs brought from the big land. The last bird was destroyed in 1680.
Karolinska parrot
Hunters constantly hunted the Karolinska parrot and mercilessly exterminated, because they harmed fruit trees. As a result, only one pair remained at the Cincinnati Zoo, but both died between 1917 and 1918.
The Steller cow or sea cow is a mammal belonging to the order of sirens. It looked like a manatee, only bigger. Once they swam in large herds at the very surface of the water and fed on sea kale, which also floats on the surface. Steller cow began to eat, its meat was valued with a very pleasant taste. Thirty years of hunting the sea cow, it was completely exterminated. According to various accounts, the last sea cows were seen in the 1970s.
Steller's coglan
Like a penguin. Sailors hunted them, because their meat was tasty, and the prey of this bird was not difficult. As a result, in 1912, the last information about Baklan Steller came.
A wingless aunt. It was exterminated in 1844 on the island of Eldei, near Iceland.
Turan tiger. Another extinct species. The last tiger was killed in 1922 near Tbilisi.
Source: /users/104