The facial recognition technology will be used for the diagnosis of genetic diseases

New technology developed by scientists from the University of Oxford that can diagnose rare genetic disorders for photos. The method is based on processing images of patients software that recognizes faces. 30 to 40% of genetic diseases one way or another affect the shape of the skull and facial features of the person. AT is based on the principle of “explore” photos of thousands of patients suffering from genetic diseases.
Certain facial features of the patients are ignored by the program, and the other — on the contrary, be taken into account in the diagnosis. The software has the ability to group similar features and the shape of the skull in order to identify hitherto unknown to scientists genetic disorders. New technology developed by a Medical laboratory, in collaboration with the Department of the University of technical Sciences, University of Oxford.
Using the latest advances in the field of programming, the computer is constantly learning, analyzing the growing database of patient information from various medical institutions. Currently the database contains about 3000 images.
Dr. Christopher Allaker, Professor of Medical genomics laboratory at Oxford, says: “Diagnosis of genetic diseases based on software is a very important step in medicine. The doctor can from anywhere in the world to take the photo from the smartphone of the patient, to perform it with a computer, and to understand which deviations can have a man”.
Source: globalscience.ru
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