Inertial invention, hidden from the public

How often do You ever hear about useful to society discoveries did not receive recognition? How many unique developments have sunk into oblivion? Maybe they're just replaced by more advanced technologies and therefore forgotten?
Today we will talk about the invention, subjected to oblivion. We will talk about inertsioidov. Although this term is not used in the everyday life of our citizens, the use of it is found in space technology.
In accordance with the electronic encyclopedia “Wikipedia” inertial is defined as mechanism, device, or apparatus, capable of coming into linear motion in space (or surface) without interaction with the environment, but only by moving the working fluid inside esercitata.
In the Soviet Union, a similar device was constructed by engineer B. N. By talinum. In the 1930-ies scientist presented a prototype, called “Truck tolchina” (this development is shown in the photo below).
By the way, to the point of the term “inertial” does not exist. It was introduced by Talinum.
Then the physics calculations inspire confidence in the public that has led to considerable popularity inertsioidov. “Truck tolchina” repeatedly flashed on the front pages of Newspapers, this subject many times was dedicated to research programs and talk shows. Such prominence could be the envy of many entertainers.
And with time, the subject inertsioidov has been given less attention. Fatal role invention played applied tests in space. The last such experiment was completed in 2010 by Russia. Then the mechanism inertsioidov was the basis of the engine. However, the experiment not only failed to meet expectations, but, according to the academician Edward Kruglyakov, Chairman of the Commission of Sciences to combat pseudoscience harm the financial welfare and image of the country.
However, the subject inertsioidov given a lot of scientific papers that could not be created in a vacuum. So I want to draw the readers ' attention to the fact that the theory may be incomplete, but not meaningless.
author Rostislav Shevelev.
Source: /users/104