Evening flowers for your garden
When the twilight of the moon falls to the ground with purple light, when the bright colors of flowers gradually merge in the garden with darkness, night beauties come to the arena, who, in the light of the night moon, demonstrate their outfits, fill the garden with a delightful aroma and make the garden uniquely mysterious and fabulous.
The first to show his decorationEnotera is a two-year-old.Its large fragrant flowers with silky yellow petals open almost before our eyes. Enotera blooms at the same time, acting as a natural clock. The bush sways slightly, as if from the breath of a breeze, and at the same time shows us dozens of flowers unfolding like a magic wand, over which soaring night butterflies gather, reminiscent of fairy-tale birds. Enotera is multiplied by two-year-old mainly seeds. In the first year, the plant forms a green rosette, which winters, and only in the second year the bush blooms. There are exceptions when the plant blooms in the year of sowing. Enoters in culture are unpretentious, winter-resistant, drought-resistant, feel great both in the sun and in the scattered shadow. In cloudy weather, you can also enjoy daytime blooms. To achieve a focal point in your garden, it is desirable to plant enotera in a group, and these girlfriends will stand performing their mission, exuding the evening scent and flowing with a mysterious golden light. Another great attraction of the garden is mirabilis Mirabilis jalapa is known as the Night Beauty.
The flowers open only in the evening exuding a pleasant Pomeranian aroma and close in the morning. The plant itself is perennial, but we grow it as a pilot. It reproduces beautifully by self-seeding. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, reaches 30-100 cm Flowers are funnel-shaped, single or collected 3-5 pieces in inflorescences of white, yellow, red or two-colored. On one plant, flowers of different colors may appear. Loves quite fertile soil, prefers sunny places, heat-loving. It seems that the flower gramophones are about to start ringing.
And here's the shy one. mattiol (mattiola) can not shine with its chic outfit, but this is compensated by the unique aroma that we remember from childhood.
And this longing covers the irretrievably gone past. Perfectly combined with matiola is the complete opposite of her along, but with a very similar aroma Levka. To shine with its magnificence, the Evening (hesperis) is an ancient aromatic plant, the smell of which is especially pronounced in the evening and at night It is grown here as an annual or short-lived perennial. In the people, this plant is called the Evening of Matrons or Night Violet. It blooms with white, pink or pinkish-purple flowers, up to 60 cm high. It reproduces perfectly by sowing seeds directly into the ground. Favourable flowers attract an incredible number of night butterflies. Prefers penumbra and well-drained soil.
The final chord in this marvelous show of night scents will give scented, carrying the imagination into a mysterious fairy-tale world.
Tobacco fragrant winged large-flowered (nicotiana alata) has a height of up to 100 cm. The flowers are large with a diameter of 5-6 cm, white, creamy, pink. They open at night and in cloudy weather. It grows well in sunny places. Prefers moistened loams, propagate seeds and seedlings.
In order that the garden of nocturnal flowers and aromas does not look boring day, we will add to the flower garden fragrant plants blooming during the day, such as flox blister, host plantain, which blooms from mid-July to the end of August, simple (non-hybrid) petunias, spring bulbs (hyacinths, daffodils, tulips), you can add fragrant lilies. For a fragrant garden, you can choose plants for every taste. It is desirable to place such a flowerbed near a gazebo or terrace, it will give the opportunity to sit in the evenings at a table, with friends or family, inhale the unique aroma of the night garden and admire the “cardeballet” of night butterflies soaring over the plants that attract them.
Source: /users/60

The first to show his decorationEnotera is a two-year-old.Its large fragrant flowers with silky yellow petals open almost before our eyes. Enotera blooms at the same time, acting as a natural clock. The bush sways slightly, as if from the breath of a breeze, and at the same time shows us dozens of flowers unfolding like a magic wand, over which soaring night butterflies gather, reminiscent of fairy-tale birds. Enotera is multiplied by two-year-old mainly seeds. In the first year, the plant forms a green rosette, which winters, and only in the second year the bush blooms. There are exceptions when the plant blooms in the year of sowing. Enoters in culture are unpretentious, winter-resistant, drought-resistant, feel great both in the sun and in the scattered shadow. In cloudy weather, you can also enjoy daytime blooms. To achieve a focal point in your garden, it is desirable to plant enotera in a group, and these girlfriends will stand performing their mission, exuding the evening scent and flowing with a mysterious golden light. Another great attraction of the garden is mirabilis Mirabilis jalapa is known as the Night Beauty.
The flowers open only in the evening exuding a pleasant Pomeranian aroma and close in the morning. The plant itself is perennial, but we grow it as a pilot. It reproduces beautifully by self-seeding. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, reaches 30-100 cm Flowers are funnel-shaped, single or collected 3-5 pieces in inflorescences of white, yellow, red or two-colored. On one plant, flowers of different colors may appear. Loves quite fertile soil, prefers sunny places, heat-loving. It seems that the flower gramophones are about to start ringing.
And here's the shy one. mattiol (mattiola) can not shine with its chic outfit, but this is compensated by the unique aroma that we remember from childhood.
And this longing covers the irretrievably gone past. Perfectly combined with matiola is the complete opposite of her along, but with a very similar aroma Levka. To shine with its magnificence, the Evening (hesperis) is an ancient aromatic plant, the smell of which is especially pronounced in the evening and at night It is grown here as an annual or short-lived perennial. In the people, this plant is called the Evening of Matrons or Night Violet. It blooms with white, pink or pinkish-purple flowers, up to 60 cm high. It reproduces perfectly by sowing seeds directly into the ground. Favourable flowers attract an incredible number of night butterflies. Prefers penumbra and well-drained soil.
The final chord in this marvelous show of night scents will give scented, carrying the imagination into a mysterious fairy-tale world.
Tobacco fragrant winged large-flowered (nicotiana alata) has a height of up to 100 cm. The flowers are large with a diameter of 5-6 cm, white, creamy, pink. They open at night and in cloudy weather. It grows well in sunny places. Prefers moistened loams, propagate seeds and seedlings.
In order that the garden of nocturnal flowers and aromas does not look boring day, we will add to the flower garden fragrant plants blooming during the day, such as flox blister, host plantain, which blooms from mid-July to the end of August, simple (non-hybrid) petunias, spring bulbs (hyacinths, daffodils, tulips), you can add fragrant lilies. For a fragrant garden, you can choose plants for every taste. It is desirable to place such a flowerbed near a gazebo or terrace, it will give the opportunity to sit in the evenings at a table, with friends or family, inhale the unique aroma of the night garden and admire the “cardeballet” of night butterflies soaring over the plants that attract them.

Source: /users/60