Metamorphosis lies
About the value and role of information in the modern world can be judged from the fact that if the beginning of the last century for the organization of the revolution needed the genius, but today this is everyday technology that is largely based on proper flow and redistribution of flow of information. And if journalism recently called the fourth branch of government, now the media, coupled with social networks, by far the stand out role.
If you notice, the representatives of the "online communities" and ordinary "users," primarily taught to accept the lies as "rules of the game" or "allowable harm". And so well taught, that publishing knowingly false information does not cause the active indignation of even the most ardent opponents. As a result, today completely lost trust to any information. That is to prove something based on facts, is almost impossible if these facts are also declared the truth. As a consequence, the truth of anything is now not confirmed by the facts, and the opinion of the vast majority or influential minority. Events or actions are assigned "true" in the best traditions of the middle Ages. And, of course, given the many attendant circumstances, considerations and factors. On the other hand, even life itself begins to demand the "legitimization" in the media. Try to prove the reality not fixed on any information carrier of the fact no witness testimony will not help!
By the way, this understanding brings the most complexity to the process of transmission of information messages. After all, what affects our understanding of information? The correct answer is depressing: Yes, almost everything! From the physical condition at the moment of perception to the level of our education and our desire to perceive. No wonder there is a fundamental difference between two seemingly similar concepts: "listen" and "hear". And if you transfer the right amount of information, we still somehow manage it, you hope that you "understand correctly", not even in case you are dealing with knows you are human, and alone with a stranger – down the drain: twist everything beyond recognition. Yes, will make you guilty. Say – is that it incorrectly explained. Well, when it comes to any game situation. But if the accuracy of information transfer depends, for example, the implementation of any technological process or any important production tasks? The PROBLEM of TRANSMITTING One of the first with the problem of accuracy faced by the military, which, as they passed, decided quite firmly, though not very gracefully. They simply began to force the subordinate to repeat the order, hoping that a repetition will provide higher probability of correct execution of the order. Or at least an accurate report to someone who will make everything right. State leaders of all stripes and ranks faced with the need to pre processing information. First, because "not Imperial this business – to gather rumors", and secondly because the management of the state even in ancient times it was a troublesome and "informative". Accordingly, the amount necessary for understanding the situation of information had already exceeded the capacity of one individual. Here and there, in ancient times, the handlers and "osmislili" information. Initially – in the form of various advisers and favorites, and later it came to the "presidential administration". After all, what President of a modern country, not like a well-oiled machine for processing and broadcasting information? No wonder it employs several dozens of the Cove, and even hundreds of people involved in this.
Nothing distorts information, as desire it in a certain way to treat or sugarcoat. In the bureaucratic reality has its own particular variety of lies, which depend on the task. It's one thing when you lie about what had to be done, but for some reason (did not, did not work) was not done. It's another when you lie about what you have done, but wrong or not quite right (not in such quantity or of such quality) as planned. And certainly the third, when they lie, trying to predict in advance the desirability of any changes. That is lying about what should be done "ideally". In the latter case we are dealing with higher bureaucratic art of divining the wishes of his superiors.
Top down and bottom up! These are two completely different streams of information with different objectives. And if the top usually want to convey and to find out the bottom most often want to hide the unfortunate fact that never really understood what exactly they wanted. No wonder one of the biggest challenges of any system of controls is adequate and honest feedback. The higher you sit, the more you lie. Just because you received information depends the fate of a growing number of people. But people are so arranged that the vast majority of them will always donate a distant prospect in the name of short-term profit. Besides, a weak man, weak and greedy for pleasure. And any boss is just a man, because he begins to surrender to the flow directed flattery. So tired to deal with reality head begins to feed yourself with pleasant illusions, and subordinates with relief instead of real work this serve is his weakness. Here and there is the famous phenomenon that people "only hear what he wants to hear."
As you know, "the retinue plays the king," and so "king" is also beginning to filter information about themselves. It's supposed to be "Royal". Hence the famous "intrigues", "Palace coups" and other opaque livelihoods executives. In fact, only in the last few decades began playing the "openness" of world leaders. Began to show family, life, home photos and conduct meetings "without ties". Although that is a special form of information security and closeness of the leader – a kind of "closeness through openness". You can here still want to know if I have it already shown? Kind of like the public to know everything down to the color of the plumbing in the restroom of a leader. But at the same time he remains an enigmatic figure. After all, those in charge of the leader, we still do not show. By the way, the demonstrative openness is a very effective way of hiding information. After all, the best kind of lie is the shocking truth. This, for example, a knowledgeable experienced family "apostate" of both sexes, which if not timely sounded the call lyubopytstvom wife usually answers the question "Where are you?" the truth: "the lover/mistress". And get usually the desired response: "Yes well you! Stop lying!"
I must say that since the second half of the twentieth century almost all methods of manipulating the information and using it – the public consciousness has been thoroughly studied by social psychologists, is printed in textbooks and, therefore, did not represent any "secrets". It is surprising that until now the textbook psychological patterns of work almost reliable physical laws! And how can you not admire the foresight of one of the founders of the Rothschild clan, who two hundred years ago uttered the famous: "Who owns the information, owns the world". How then do not listen to the opinion of lenders... and social psychologists.
Source: /users/1

If you notice, the representatives of the "online communities" and ordinary "users," primarily taught to accept the lies as "rules of the game" or "allowable harm". And so well taught, that publishing knowingly false information does not cause the active indignation of even the most ardent opponents. As a result, today completely lost trust to any information. That is to prove something based on facts, is almost impossible if these facts are also declared the truth. As a consequence, the truth of anything is now not confirmed by the facts, and the opinion of the vast majority or influential minority. Events or actions are assigned "true" in the best traditions of the middle Ages. And, of course, given the many attendant circumstances, considerations and factors. On the other hand, even life itself begins to demand the "legitimization" in the media. Try to prove the reality not fixed on any information carrier of the fact no witness testimony will not help!
By the way, this understanding brings the most complexity to the process of transmission of information messages. After all, what affects our understanding of information? The correct answer is depressing: Yes, almost everything! From the physical condition at the moment of perception to the level of our education and our desire to perceive. No wonder there is a fundamental difference between two seemingly similar concepts: "listen" and "hear". And if you transfer the right amount of information, we still somehow manage it, you hope that you "understand correctly", not even in case you are dealing with knows you are human, and alone with a stranger – down the drain: twist everything beyond recognition. Yes, will make you guilty. Say – is that it incorrectly explained. Well, when it comes to any game situation. But if the accuracy of information transfer depends, for example, the implementation of any technological process or any important production tasks? The PROBLEM of TRANSMITTING One of the first with the problem of accuracy faced by the military, which, as they passed, decided quite firmly, though not very gracefully. They simply began to force the subordinate to repeat the order, hoping that a repetition will provide higher probability of correct execution of the order. Or at least an accurate report to someone who will make everything right. State leaders of all stripes and ranks faced with the need to pre processing information. First, because "not Imperial this business – to gather rumors", and secondly because the management of the state even in ancient times it was a troublesome and "informative". Accordingly, the amount necessary for understanding the situation of information had already exceeded the capacity of one individual. Here and there, in ancient times, the handlers and "osmislili" information. Initially – in the form of various advisers and favorites, and later it came to the "presidential administration". After all, what President of a modern country, not like a well-oiled machine for processing and broadcasting information? No wonder it employs several dozens of the Cove, and even hundreds of people involved in this.
Nothing distorts information, as desire it in a certain way to treat or sugarcoat. In the bureaucratic reality has its own particular variety of lies, which depend on the task. It's one thing when you lie about what had to be done, but for some reason (did not, did not work) was not done. It's another when you lie about what you have done, but wrong or not quite right (not in such quantity or of such quality) as planned. And certainly the third, when they lie, trying to predict in advance the desirability of any changes. That is lying about what should be done "ideally". In the latter case we are dealing with higher bureaucratic art of divining the wishes of his superiors.
Top down and bottom up! These are two completely different streams of information with different objectives. And if the top usually want to convey and to find out the bottom most often want to hide the unfortunate fact that never really understood what exactly they wanted. No wonder one of the biggest challenges of any system of controls is adequate and honest feedback. The higher you sit, the more you lie. Just because you received information depends the fate of a growing number of people. But people are so arranged that the vast majority of them will always donate a distant prospect in the name of short-term profit. Besides, a weak man, weak and greedy for pleasure. And any boss is just a man, because he begins to surrender to the flow directed flattery. So tired to deal with reality head begins to feed yourself with pleasant illusions, and subordinates with relief instead of real work this serve is his weakness. Here and there is the famous phenomenon that people "only hear what he wants to hear."
As you know, "the retinue plays the king," and so "king" is also beginning to filter information about themselves. It's supposed to be "Royal". Hence the famous "intrigues", "Palace coups" and other opaque livelihoods executives. In fact, only in the last few decades began playing the "openness" of world leaders. Began to show family, life, home photos and conduct meetings "without ties". Although that is a special form of information security and closeness of the leader – a kind of "closeness through openness". You can here still want to know if I have it already shown? Kind of like the public to know everything down to the color of the plumbing in the restroom of a leader. But at the same time he remains an enigmatic figure. After all, those in charge of the leader, we still do not show. By the way, the demonstrative openness is a very effective way of hiding information. After all, the best kind of lie is the shocking truth. This, for example, a knowledgeable experienced family "apostate" of both sexes, which if not timely sounded the call lyubopytstvom wife usually answers the question "Where are you?" the truth: "the lover/mistress". And get usually the desired response: "Yes well you! Stop lying!"
I must say that since the second half of the twentieth century almost all methods of manipulating the information and using it – the public consciousness has been thoroughly studied by social psychologists, is printed in textbooks and, therefore, did not represent any "secrets". It is surprising that until now the textbook psychological patterns of work almost reliable physical laws! And how can you not admire the foresight of one of the founders of the Rothschild clan, who two hundred years ago uttered the famous: "Who owns the information, owns the world". How then do not listen to the opinion of lenders... and social psychologists.
Source: /users/1