How to treat white spots on the lip of folk remedies

Today, traditional medicine and cosmetology in order to remove the white dots on the lips, uses laser therapy. This method of dealing solves the problem without leaving any stains, cuts and scars. If this method can cure not only tiny specks, but the chronic large size of education. As a preventive treatment experts recommend using jojoba oil.
Laser therapy if you don't trust, then to clear white dots on the lips, you can apply several existing national resources. For example, white dots on lips disappear after a week, if they are using adhesive to attach the leaf mother and stepmother, or Kalanchoe. Change this compress it is necessary two times a day.
Another way is to RUB fresh white dots on lips melted mutton fat for 30 minutes. Effect should you notice after the second procedure. This massage is done daily until the complete disappearance of the spots.
White dots on lips will disappear within a week if you use propolis. This should make the oil from it (you can buy in a drugstore ready): finely natochenny propolis pour vegetable oil and let stand for several days. After that, strain the oil into a glass dish and apply it regularly on lips (at least 3 times a day). Therapy should be continued until complete disappearance of the disease.
Also white dots on lips treat with baked onions. For this raw onion smeared with honey and placed for 20 minutes in the oven. After that, you can either use it fully, applying to the affected places (half an hour), or squeeze out the onion juice and spread it over the lips. The effect of this treatment must occur after the fifth session.
Else to get rid of white spots on the lips will help the garlic. This new growth should be rubbed into the affected place garlic pulp. Prepare it is very simple: half a teaspoon of vegetable oil mix with 3 finely depressed teeth of garlic. But this method is more long lasting (at least months) and RUB the drug should be daily.
Not to mention about the miraculous properties of Shilajit. One tablet of this tool mash and add the melted honey, mix thoroughly and apply the mixture on the lips. Hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
All of these methods make little white dots on lips less visible, but do not treat the cause, so do not delay with the visit to the doctor.
Source: globalscience.ru