Car seat for baby the criteria of the correct choice
It is hard to imagine in our time that the child went in the car with their parents on an ordinary adult chair. If there is a serious accident, the chances of survival for the child who is younger than 12 years, will be extremely small. That is why the attentive parents time to purchase a specialized infant car seats. But before you go to the store, they need to learn how to understand.
The first thing you need to know that absolutely all baby car seats are divided into three main groups.
But for newborns, has its own group is zero. In this case, resemble the massive baby car seats bassinets that have extra protection in the head region. For added security the crib set across the movement.
The first group consists of those baby car seats that are shaped like older seats that are installed during the motion. Usually they are equipped with reliable three-point seatbelts. But there are other versions that are equipped with five-point harness. The chair of the first groups are available for children age 1-4 years.
For kids age 3.5-7 years available seats of the second group, which additionally have a comfortable adjustable backrest, which allows the parent to easily adjust with the growth of the child. When he gets older and adds weight, the backrest can be removed and chair instantly turns into a third group.
Chairs the third group is designed for children 6-12 years. Often referred to as the booster (in translation from English means – amplifier). Data of child seats in its external form and functionality reminiscent of a full-fledged rally seats that have lateral support pillows, headrests, and sometimes armrests. All this allows the child, even if the car rolls over, to be tightly strapped to the seat.
Choose the car seat is a must with child. You need to check the height, width, and seat belts. And buying car seats in height, if it is not possible to firmly fasten the child is not recommended – safety will be under a big threat!
Source: globalscience.ru

The first thing you need to know that absolutely all baby car seats are divided into three main groups.
But for newborns, has its own group is zero. In this case, resemble the massive baby car seats bassinets that have extra protection in the head region. For added security the crib set across the movement.
The first group consists of those baby car seats that are shaped like older seats that are installed during the motion. Usually they are equipped with reliable three-point seatbelts. But there are other versions that are equipped with five-point harness. The chair of the first groups are available for children age 1-4 years.
For kids age 3.5-7 years available seats of the second group, which additionally have a comfortable adjustable backrest, which allows the parent to easily adjust with the growth of the child. When he gets older and adds weight, the backrest can be removed and chair instantly turns into a third group.
Chairs the third group is designed for children 6-12 years. Often referred to as the booster (in translation from English means – amplifier). Data of child seats in its external form and functionality reminiscent of a full-fledged rally seats that have lateral support pillows, headrests, and sometimes armrests. All this allows the child, even if the car rolls over, to be tightly strapped to the seat.
Choose the car seat is a must with child. You need to check the height, width, and seat belts. And buying car seats in height, if it is not possible to firmly fasten the child is not recommended – safety will be under a big threat!
Source: globalscience.ru
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