What to buy: a car seat or booster?
Fifty eight million two hundred forty seven thousand four hundred four
With the advent of the child in the house all at once become critical to safety. Everything should be as steady and reliable. And the car does all the equipment must be placed on the highest level. So, for children have to be installed seat groups 1, 2, 3, or booster. What to choose?
Car seat
Appearance car seat for children recall traditional soft seat, equipped with additional safety belts. Why you need such equipment? The fact that the classic seatbelts default dimensions designed for adults, so it is absolutely do not perform any function of providing protection of the child.
But the car seat is designed for children, and its straps are positioned exactly where necessary. Therefore, when a strong impact baby will not fall out and will not be affected. That is why baby car seats gained huge popularity in America has yet to make rules in the SDA, Such a device reduces the risk of fatal outcome for infants by 70 percent, for toddlers 1 to 4 years – 50 percent.
Buster is a somewhat simplified design car seat. It has no backrest, and because it is cheaper than the more traditional version. However, according to the rules of the SDA in booster pack, you can put children only after they turned 3 years. To optimally use this security tool for kids who have already turned 5. You must also pay attention to the child's weight – it should not be less than 15 kilograms.
Boosters differ from car seats such factors:
By the way, today the manufacturers have come up with another cunning invention, which eliminates the need to purchase a car seat and later a booster. This model 2-in-1: as children get older one thing becomes another. You can easily remove a few parts and the car seat becomes a booster. It turns out a great savings.
The use of such security means not only that you will not be fined. Car seat and booster guarantee the safety of your children as a result of sudden impact or accident. And safety your child is not save.
With the advent of the child in the house all at once become critical to safety. Everything should be as steady and reliable. And the car does all the equipment must be placed on the highest level. So, for children have to be installed seat groups 1, 2, 3, or booster. What to choose?
Car seat
Appearance car seat for children recall traditional soft seat, equipped with additional safety belts. Why you need such equipment? The fact that the classic seatbelts default dimensions designed for adults, so it is absolutely do not perform any function of providing protection of the child.
But the car seat is designed for children, and its straps are positioned exactly where necessary. Therefore, when a strong impact baby will not fall out and will not be affected. That is why baby car seats gained huge popularity in America has yet to make rules in the SDA, Such a device reduces the risk of fatal outcome for infants by 70 percent, for toddlers 1 to 4 years – 50 percent.
Buster is a somewhat simplified design car seat. It has no backrest, and because it is cheaper than the more traditional version. However, according to the rules of the SDA in booster pack, you can put children only after they turned 3 years. To optimally use this security tool for kids who have already turned 5. You must also pay attention to the child's weight – it should not be less than 15 kilograms.
Boosters differ from car seats such factors:
- more compact, take up less space in the car;
- weigh less;
- easy to install, and because of the care and carrying of boosters usually do not experience any issues – it can make and women;
- cost less.
By the way, today the manufacturers have come up with another cunning invention, which eliminates the need to purchase a car seat and later a booster. This model 2-in-1: as children get older one thing becomes another. You can easily remove a few parts and the car seat becomes a booster. It turns out a great savings.
The use of such security means not only that you will not be fined. Car seat and booster guarantee the safety of your children as a result of sudden impact or accident. And safety your child is not save.
Natural beauty
Anatoly Neelov. Life is very short thing, and I choose to enjoy life and not to accumulate