Children's books that adults should read

Aldous Huxley said: "It is not good to become an adult, without reading all the children's books." We are in the Website agree with him and believe that you can catch up at any age. Because really good children's books are written not only and not so much for children. They all really love, friendship and magic, so the adult is also very useful to read and re-read them.
This review contains just such a book today, from the height of his age, everyone will read in a new way.

Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" Probably the best book in the genre of absurd, so beloved by several generations. Many even believe that the story of a crazy girl fell into a rabbit hole, designed exclusively to adults: too much of it logical, mathematical and philosophical "problems." Buy

Tove Jansson's "All about Moomins" Surprisingly, charming stories about the Moomins as grow with us. Reread today, they do not seem to you stupid, naive or childish. You will find in them what you need right now, and for you - a good quiet wisdom, a sense of love and security. Buy

Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" book that will remind you that you can conquer the world, having in the arsenal just a bucket of paint and a brush. Let the child within yourself to have fun with this kid, look for the treasure, to be a pirate and a robber, with delight watching his every fantasy. The main thing is you will not be bored - we can guarantee. Buy

Antoine de Saint-Exupery's "The Little Prince" If you realize with horror that became too old - no longer look at the starry sky and ask questions began to measure life figures stopped loving flowers - re-read "The Little Prince." This is one of those books that are able to return to the person himself. Buy

Pamela Travers' Mary Poppins "This story - not just a journey into a surreal, magical world. This is - priceless reminder to everyone that we create our own reality, themselves bring to life the miracles - or do not bring, depending on their own choice. She says that the main thing - do not be afraid of change and believe in yourself. Anyone who wants to change, be sure to read. Buy

Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" Sometimes it really wise advice can give only one with sawdust in his head. Behind the apparent simplicity stories about teddy bear and his friends hiding a whole philosophy of life and deep wisdom. We do not encourage anyone to philosophize: just read, remember and enjoy childhood. Buy

Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of Oz" in the Russian version of the heroes of "The Wizard of Oz," we can easily find ourselves. Everyone is looking for their own yellow brick road and wants to get rid of the little weaknesses. As a result, we still have to get rid of them yourself. And it's great. Buy

Astrid Lindgren's "Pippi Longstocking" This book is on our list - just for kids, and enjoy it for all children from 6 to 86 years. In it - now invincible mischief that causes the eyes to burn with delight. Concentrate optimism and joy of life. And another reason to think - and I did not become an hour in the old bucket? Buy

John RR Tolkien's "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again," "The Hobbit", topped the list of religious books of the twentieth century - is not an ordinary product. This is an alternate world in which you are traveling willy nilly start to better understand their own lives, in their relationship with the surrounding reality. Maybe this is the secret of ageless Tolkien saga? Buy

Nikolai Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" Nosovskaya tale with elements of fantasy economists called the most sensible and affordable textbook of political economy. From it you can perfectly understand that this advertising company, the bursting of the bank selling the press, strikes, unemployment, stock market, what market relations. In general, it is not a children's story. Buy

Valentine Oseeva "Dink" On the surface - the history of restless cocky girl and her family, childhood friendship and adventure, but deeper - a story about ordinary people living in difficult times, the ideas and ideals on which so firmly believed, and that sooner or later still destroyed. Good, interesting and a great book, graphically depicting the history of any textbook, albeit somewhat one-sided, the years of the revolution. Buy

Joel Harris 'Uncle Remus' When we read these stories as a child, the notice only cunning Brer Rabbit, the poor fellow Brer Fox, savvy Brer turtles and other animals, but with age we offer the narrator - an infinitely wise Uncle Remus, in which each of us can learn kindness and tolerance. Buy

James Barrie "Peter Pan," How is it that we have forgotten how to fly? Why do children know this feeling of flying, straightness and depth of feeling, love and lack of shame for her, and for adults - no longer exists? Is it possible to remain forever a child - and is it necessary? "Peter Pan" - one of those tales that become adults piercing revelation. You can not come off, and after reading it is impossible to dismiss. Buy

Hans Christian Andersen "The Wild Swans" Generally Andersen - not children's writer. Many of his gloomy and tragic tales, and read them better when the picture of the world has been formed. But the story of Eliza and her brothers - a triumphant hymn of love and kindness. It is useful at any age. Buy
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