17 psychologists talk about how they get rid of stress

"Stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system because it relaxes your mind and body. There are various ways to do this, such as diaphragmatic breathing.
My favorite method is to lightly run one or two fingers on her lips.Parasympathetic nerve endings scattered on the lips, respectively, the touching of lips stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. It's amazing how this simple procedure immediately filled with a sense of calm the mind and body."
Toni Bernhard, J. D.
"I'm going out. Something there is in natural lighting, which is extremely reassuring. Any weather can be on the street, except that torrential rain. But the sun, clouds, snow — everything is fine. I'm trying to fill your mind with what surrounds me, paying attention to the trees against the sky, at the birds on the lawn, the game of clouds in the sky. And it all somehow reduces stress".
Sophia Dembling, Psychology Today Blogger
"First and foremost, take a deep breath or two. And remember that even if you can't manage the event that is causing stress, you — at least to some extent able to control their reaction to this event. According to an old Jewish wisdom: "You can't control the wind but you can adjust your sails".
Mindy Greenstein, Ph.D.
"One of the most effective ways of those that I advise my clients to reduce stress and anxiety is progressive muscle relaxation. Especially good PMR works in somatic symptoms associated with chronic anxiety, as well as many physiological symptoms (such as problems with the gastrointestinal tract), which is very characteristic of social anxiety. It's nice, the PMR can be used in any place."
L. Kevin Chapman, Ph.D.
"In my case, stress reduction is most effective, when I talk to friends, but only those that I know will take to heart my problem. They are great listeners, they will support me and will always come up with something that will solve the problem or at least show me perspective. At worst they will push me in that direction in which I will experience the least stress."
Susan Newman, Ph.D.
"Do not rush in those periods of life when you have to solve some problems. When you came up with the idea that we ought to act quickly — take it as a signal that it is time to slow down".
Barbara Markway, Ph.D
"Learn to sit quietly and listen to yourself. If you listen to yourself, it will help you to understand yourself better. Understanding yourself is the first step on the way to manage yourself and therefore your stress".
Lynne Soraya, Psychology Today Blogger
"Make sure your schedule includes "time" in which you are taking care of yourself. This will reduce your stress, increase your productivity, help you to be happy!"
Amy Przeworski, Ph. D.
"When you are exhausted, you may want to whip up, while you need to notice this trend and do exactly the opposite"
Nancy Rappaport, M. D
"When you have noticed that your stress level is high, immediately slow down whatever you were doing, by about 25 %. Do you surf the Internet, clean the house, do an errand, change your pace, as if you now show in slow motion. You will feel how the stress will begin to slip out of your body and mind."
Toni Bernhard, J. D.
"Do regular physical exercises, and vary them, in order not to feel bored".
Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D.
"Music is a wonderful tool for stress reduction. Hide in your headphones and listen to something that will carry you out of here. And, if you can learn to play any musical instrument and
use this as part of his therapeutic program."
Art Markman, Ph.D.
Cognitive methods
"My favorite way to cope with stress is to first decide whether I was a source of stress, or it is caused by the external situation. If the latter, I will try to ask for help or to set boundaries using assertive behavior. If the source of stress is me through creating a terrible dramas in his imagination, for instance, I try to make my dialogue with you more compassionate towards myself..
source: 4ernov.ru
Source: /users/1077
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