Chess helps even those who are not able to play them
Perceptions of alleged chess originated as a game model and warring armies, is erroneous. Chess is a model of social life.
Chess pieces are like people: each person behaves differently. Someone is looking for the best move, someone best plan. The analogy of chess and relationships. During a chess game there is a peculiar conflict situation. And very often it goes beyond a purely formal movement of pieces on the Board and as it goes to the person playing. Life is like a chess game develops in accordance with the principles of strategy and tactics. Chess teach us how we could shape our lives with equal opportunities and with no accidents. If the party in 40 moves to compare with the human life of 80 years, the loss rate is equivalent to losing two years of life.
Twenty one million four hundred forty two thousand nine
Chess is closely intertwined with the life. Some of the terms that were once purely chess became common words: variant, openings, time pressure, forcing. The interaction of people with each other can be represented as a chess game. Life is like chess is an unusual task. In chess and in life, the triviality of the action often leads to success. World of chess is very conditional, but it repeats many of the patterns of the real world in which we live. The same countless situations, the same uncertainty of achieving the goal. As a chess figure has a relative force, and man is matter.
We know many cases where people have achieved success when he made a brilliant sacrifice (a gift, favor, money) at the right time in the right place. The chess terms is a real social world. Behavior, interactions, needs, intentions, relationships, plans, estimates, ambitions, motives, human errors – all reflect the language of chess.
That's what is meant by chess terms. White and black — 1. Their own and others. 2. A man and a woman. 3. Parents and children. 4. The boss and the subordinate. 5. Competitors. 6. Rivals.
Queen — 1. Important man. 2. Director. 3. Man, endowed with great power.
Rook — 1. Adult. 2. Strategist. 3. Powerful man.
Elephant — 1. Boy, girl. 2. Tactician. 3. Man, endowed with a little power.
Shah — 1. Dissatisfaction with the remark, disbelief, warning, reproach, insult, threat. 2. Alarm. 3. Ambition.
The middlegame is the development of the interaction (relationship) people. Endgame — the end of the interaction (relationship) people.
Gambit — an invitation to a relationship accompanied by gifts, money, services. Control field — 1. Insight into the intentions of the partner. 2. Observation (surveillance) for the actions, behaviour and/or words of the partner.
The line of demarcation — 1. The relationship of people with no right to change them. 2. Border between people. 3. Zone of influence.
Of great interest are the chess phrase – model real-life situations. Converted to a worldly way, they can have a most beneficial effect on the regulation of human behavior. That sound like some chess phrases in everyday context:
Very useful to try to relieve the burden of already found variants, evaluations and opinions and look at the situation with fresh eyes, the eyes of the casual observer, to change the perception of this situation, trying to think and find new, not considered until now, ideas.
It was necessary, not in words but in deeds, to understand that there are no boring activities, and there is inability to find interest in, there are boring people (boring).
But what kind of life (chess) – without risk, without a fight of nerves, without whimsical turns that chooses the fate in interaction with other people?! In fact your plan, let the deep and carefully thought-out, the partner can oppose equally ingenious! So, if you want to achieve something in life risk!
So, perfect life (the game) does not happen. And defeat, sadly, is accompanied by a everyday reality, so that to interact successfully with other people, one will find a way, first, to do their thinking probably more reliable (and then reduced the number of failures), and, secondly, to overcome the consequences of failure with a minimal nervous and material losses.
Everyday business (party) is a continuous chain of tactical actions connected by a strategic plan.
Do not waste time fraud (opening traps). Scam good once in a lifetime. Other it will not fall. To work on creating whole systems, focused not so much on the immediate benefits (the debut), but in the midst of life (the middlegame) and even future (endgame).
The ability to do all the necessary preparations (useful moves) before the onset of undesirable, but very real events simplifies achieving success. The presence of alternate aerodrome (air vents) very important in the beginning of the conflict.
The most difficult for my opponent – I. In my life, I often unwittingly exaggerating the importance of something or someone, turn it into versative, standing in front of me exaggerating the difficulties.
We should not forget that human interaction (chess) – is the confrontation. It unfolds according to the will of the two partners (man and woman, boss and employee, competitors), each of which pursues its goals and has made every effort to obstruct the achievement of the goals of his opponent.
At the end of the tour I give chess review parent-child relationships. Careless son of a Parent During the game between the parent and the careless son, playing the white pieces, there is a position at which a white horse was attacked by a black rook, threatening to knock her (squirt). Stand and wait for the implementation of the plans careless son hard. So black they themselves begin counterplay. Using the homework, the parent makes an intermediate move of the elephant (strategist). Should white be tempted by the rook and a breakthrough will turn in favor of the black. The careless son, without further ADO, grabbed a black rook with his horse (careless). But now, after the move of the elephant position has changed. Initiative careless son has dried up. Shows how bad a shape. Against them turns the pressure of the bishops and the pawn storm. The initiative passed to the parent. He fianchettoed elephant and takes the center pawns (the Almighty). A bold and very correct decision. The next move careless son attack the rook at the black Queen (jabberer), but did not notice the plug, which is then made the parent. It was the Shah an elephant with a simultaneous attack on the rook (the Almighty).
As everywhere in our lives, and there is a lot of reasons why we deviate from the assumed strict obligations. But these exceptions are rare, and the fact that chess elephant, for a good long diagonal aimed at the king and the rook of the opponent, better than any rook and a knight – fact. Careless son left the king on the field d1 (unhappy). A parent took her Bishop, the rook (the pilot family vehicle). What's it? A parent suggested the careless son of Queen sacrifice (an instigator). Syllogism! Black lead in advance of the elephant and pretend that they are going to vigorously argue by perpetual check. If the thirtieth the course the parent was a little surprise, 31 of aroused viewers and commentators quite a stir.
So here's the thing! The elephant knocked down a rook to gain time for the concentration of heavy pieces vertically d. The careless son nervous. He grabs the black Queen (the parasite). Gross miscalculation. The analysis showed that white's position is hopeless. The attempt to muddy the waters by taking the Queen leads to nothing. Parent holds the hand and gives mate negligent son. A good example of a coherent, close-knit black pieces and pawns.
Author Efim, Reitblat
Source: globalscience.ru
Chess pieces are like people: each person behaves differently. Someone is looking for the best move, someone best plan. The analogy of chess and relationships. During a chess game there is a peculiar conflict situation. And very often it goes beyond a purely formal movement of pieces on the Board and as it goes to the person playing. Life is like a chess game develops in accordance with the principles of strategy and tactics. Chess teach us how we could shape our lives with equal opportunities and with no accidents. If the party in 40 moves to compare with the human life of 80 years, the loss rate is equivalent to losing two years of life.
Twenty one million four hundred forty two thousand nine
Chess is closely intertwined with the life. Some of the terms that were once purely chess became common words: variant, openings, time pressure, forcing. The interaction of people with each other can be represented as a chess game. Life is like chess is an unusual task. In chess and in life, the triviality of the action often leads to success. World of chess is very conditional, but it repeats many of the patterns of the real world in which we live. The same countless situations, the same uncertainty of achieving the goal. As a chess figure has a relative force, and man is matter.
We know many cases where people have achieved success when he made a brilliant sacrifice (a gift, favor, money) at the right time in the right place. The chess terms is a real social world. Behavior, interactions, needs, intentions, relationships, plans, estimates, ambitions, motives, human errors – all reflect the language of chess.
That's what is meant by chess terms. White and black — 1. Their own and others. 2. A man and a woman. 3. Parents and children. 4. The boss and the subordinate. 5. Competitors. 6. Rivals.
Queen — 1. Important man. 2. Director. 3. Man, endowed with great power.
Rook — 1. Adult. 2. Strategist. 3. Powerful man.
Elephant — 1. Boy, girl. 2. Tactician. 3. Man, endowed with a little power.
Shah — 1. Dissatisfaction with the remark, disbelief, warning, reproach, insult, threat. 2. Alarm. 3. Ambition.
The middlegame is the development of the interaction (relationship) people. Endgame — the end of the interaction (relationship) people.
Gambit — an invitation to a relationship accompanied by gifts, money, services. Control field — 1. Insight into the intentions of the partner. 2. Observation (surveillance) for the actions, behaviour and/or words of the partner.
The line of demarcation — 1. The relationship of people with no right to change them. 2. Border between people. 3. Zone of influence.
Of great interest are the chess phrase – model real-life situations. Converted to a worldly way, they can have a most beneficial effect on the regulation of human behavior. That sound like some chess phrases in everyday context:
Very useful to try to relieve the burden of already found variants, evaluations and opinions and look at the situation with fresh eyes, the eyes of the casual observer, to change the perception of this situation, trying to think and find new, not considered until now, ideas.
It was necessary, not in words but in deeds, to understand that there are no boring activities, and there is inability to find interest in, there are boring people (boring).
But what kind of life (chess) – without risk, without a fight of nerves, without whimsical turns that chooses the fate in interaction with other people?! In fact your plan, let the deep and carefully thought-out, the partner can oppose equally ingenious! So, if you want to achieve something in life risk!
So, perfect life (the game) does not happen. And defeat, sadly, is accompanied by a everyday reality, so that to interact successfully with other people, one will find a way, first, to do their thinking probably more reliable (and then reduced the number of failures), and, secondly, to overcome the consequences of failure with a minimal nervous and material losses.
Everyday business (party) is a continuous chain of tactical actions connected by a strategic plan.
Do not waste time fraud (opening traps). Scam good once in a lifetime. Other it will not fall. To work on creating whole systems, focused not so much on the immediate benefits (the debut), but in the midst of life (the middlegame) and even future (endgame).
The ability to do all the necessary preparations (useful moves) before the onset of undesirable, but very real events simplifies achieving success. The presence of alternate aerodrome (air vents) very important in the beginning of the conflict.
The most difficult for my opponent – I. In my life, I often unwittingly exaggerating the importance of something or someone, turn it into versative, standing in front of me exaggerating the difficulties.
We should not forget that human interaction (chess) – is the confrontation. It unfolds according to the will of the two partners (man and woman, boss and employee, competitors), each of which pursues its goals and has made every effort to obstruct the achievement of the goals of his opponent.
At the end of the tour I give chess review parent-child relationships. Careless son of a Parent During the game between the parent and the careless son, playing the white pieces, there is a position at which a white horse was attacked by a black rook, threatening to knock her (squirt). Stand and wait for the implementation of the plans careless son hard. So black they themselves begin counterplay. Using the homework, the parent makes an intermediate move of the elephant (strategist). Should white be tempted by the rook and a breakthrough will turn in favor of the black. The careless son, without further ADO, grabbed a black rook with his horse (careless). But now, after the move of the elephant position has changed. Initiative careless son has dried up. Shows how bad a shape. Against them turns the pressure of the bishops and the pawn storm. The initiative passed to the parent. He fianchettoed elephant and takes the center pawns (the Almighty). A bold and very correct decision. The next move careless son attack the rook at the black Queen (jabberer), but did not notice the plug, which is then made the parent. It was the Shah an elephant with a simultaneous attack on the rook (the Almighty).
As everywhere in our lives, and there is a lot of reasons why we deviate from the assumed strict obligations. But these exceptions are rare, and the fact that chess elephant, for a good long diagonal aimed at the king and the rook of the opponent, better than any rook and a knight – fact. Careless son left the king on the field d1 (unhappy). A parent took her Bishop, the rook (the pilot family vehicle). What's it? A parent suggested the careless son of Queen sacrifice (an instigator). Syllogism! Black lead in advance of the elephant and pretend that they are going to vigorously argue by perpetual check. If the thirtieth the course the parent was a little surprise, 31 of aroused viewers and commentators quite a stir.
So here's the thing! The elephant knocked down a rook to gain time for the concentration of heavy pieces vertically d. The careless son nervous. He grabs the black Queen (the parasite). Gross miscalculation. The analysis showed that white's position is hopeless. The attempt to muddy the waters by taking the Queen leads to nothing. Parent holds the hand and gives mate negligent son. A good example of a coherent, close-knit black pieces and pawns.
Author Efim, Reitblat
Source: globalscience.ru
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