Chess wonder from time immemorial

Chess today is not just a game. It is a kind of religion, a way of life for many people all over the world. And it has some basis: it was born this game more than a thousand years ago. Of course, Chaturanga (documented game-the ancestor of chess, in which fifteen hundred years ago played in India) have rules very different from today's version. However, it began with her modern chess. As soon as the game was adopted first by the Arab East, and then Europe and Africa, was formed and changed its rules. A game in which you can without any difficulty learn the modern game of chess was described by Europeans in the period of late Gothic (XV century), and the final standards are the rules developed in the nineteenth century, with the beginning of international chess tournaments.

Chess is one of the most famous mathematical problems, which also came to us from ancient times: tell that the inventor of chess (or games like"mother") showed a ruler, and she liked the fact that the Governor invited the sage to choose for himself any reward. The sage asked for himself the grain of wheat: for the first square of the chessboard one grain, the second two, the third four, and on, doubling on each square the number of grains. The Governor thought it was too insignificant a reward, but he kept his word, telling the Treasurer to issue the required number of grains. And then it turned out that the total amount of grain that he asked the sage, a little less than two thousand times the total world wheat crop for the year (and it is only in the modern equivalent, but fifteen hundred years ago agriculture was disproportionately less intense level).

In modern chess is played on 64-cell Board two opponents. However, there are chess for three players, but it is exotic – we're talking about classic sports. This game combines skill (chess composition), science and, of course, sports.
Vertical rows of fields on the Board are designated by Latin letters a – h, horizontal – numbers 1 – 8. Thus, each cell is "exactly" the intersection of the letters with numbers. Chess has 6 types of pieces, each of which can move according to certain rules. The essence of the game is to destroy the opponent's king (to put the opponent to the Mat). The game ends either by the formulation of checkmate, or a draw. The rules are quite simple, but chess is a game that is not calculated to date. In simple words, there is obviously a winning combination of moves (as, for example, in "TIC-TAC-toe"): chess is still art.

The main international organization which now organizes chess tournaments, the rules reglamentary is the international Chess Association (FIDE). The first world chess champion was Wilhelm Steinitz in the late nineteenth century. The first official world chess championship FIDE held in 1948 it was won by Mikhail Botvinnik. Today the world chess champion is a member of the homeland of this ancient game – the Indian Viswanathan Anand.
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