Man Chess

guest of honor at the exhibition Expotattoo Venezuela 2013 in Caracas, Venezuela, became an American Matt Gon (Matt Gone) on the nickname of the person chess. Its body is 98% covered with tattoos, including the eyes (Mr Ghosn alone put in eyeballs and pupils liked ink). Surrounding call it crazy, but chess-man himself does not think so. More than twenty years ago, he began to put on his body tattoos in connection with birth defects of the skin. Today, Matt is completely happy. Does he play his chess - neizvestno.

Matt Ghosn poses for a photo during the 2013 Expotattoo Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. (JUAN BARRETO / AFP / Getty Images)

Mr. Ghosn smiling golden smile. (Alepuro) 29,548,782
Human chess in all its glory. (Alepuro) 40,986,211
Apart from tattoos and piercings have Gon, but a little. (JUAN BARRETO / AFP / Getty Images)

Matt Ghosn talks to visitors of the exhibition. (Alepuro)
Source: supercoolpics.com/2013/01/25/человек-шахматная-доска-на-expotattoo-venezuela-2013-5-фото/