The belt will not drown

in the Netherlands have developed a special belt that automatically unbuttoned, if the car was under water. Car accidents in which people fall into the pond does not happen so often in Europe, but each case is deadly for the lives of passengers. People inside the cabin, panic and can not cope with the elementary mechanisms. Under water each second of delay may cost lives. To prevent the death of Dutch engineers from companies Fijen TMLS created special safety belts, which themselves may release if they are adjudged voda.

In general, the structure remains the same, only the latch mechanism placed in the cartridge with a small rapidly dissolving salt. When it is soaked with water, the lock opens automatically, releasing the man. Another invention - Highscreen Black Box Radar Plus - already in Russia. This device is a hybrid DVR and radar dektora. While the camera captures traffic in a format Full HD, radar picks up signals dektor cameras and radar DPS (including the famous and "elusive" set ARROW-ST). Highscreen Black Box Radar Plus signal warns the driver of the need to observe speed limits and approaching the dangerous area dorogi.

Furthermore, the device records the route of the car, for it in the recorder-equipped GPS antenna. In the event of sudden braking, turning, impact or change of speed, the current video file is automatically saved in the region indelibly on the disk. During this process meets G-sensor. A remarkable moment for drivers: the gadget costs about 8, 5 thousand, while the purchase of separate recorder with GPS and radar detector will cost 10-11 thousand.
Source: mirfactov.com/