Top 10 intellectual bestsellers,which is a must read

1. John. M. Coetzee — "waiting for the barbarians"
The most mysterious writer of all Nobel laureates who devoted his Nobel speech not to someone, and Robinson Crusoe, the man, the very name of which long remained a mystery. A small town on the outskirts of a nameless Empire agitated by the news of the imminent attack of barbarian tribes from the border of deserts. Arrived from the heart of the Empire Colonel, ready any lime, just to knock out the person the necessary evidence. The mayor, who does not want to panic and as a result of the Prosecutor turned to the accused. The captive girl, which the judge becomes the object of sensual worship. The novel is a parable, a novel metaphor, reminiscent of the mad fantasies of Kafka, Beckett and Buzzati. The real pleasure for readers of intellectual best sellers.
2. Marcus Zusak — "the Book thief"
January 1939. Germany. Country, breathless. But death was not so much work. And there will be more. The mother carries a nine year old liesel Meminger and her younger brother to foster parents in Munich, because their father is no more — it took away the breath of the foreign and strange words "Communist", and in the eyes of the mother of the girl sees fear the same fate. In the way death visits the young boy and notices liesel for the first time. So girl is on Himmelstrasse — Heaven street. Whoever came up with this name, he had a good sense of humor. Not that there was a veritable Inferno. No. But not Paradise.
3. Kazuo Ishiguro — "the remains of the day"
Born Japanese, is a graduate of the literary course Malcolm Bradbury, who wrote the English novel of the late XX century! Butler Steven, without fear and without reproach serving Lord Darlington, tells how he developed a sense of duty and ability to put the right people in the right place, demonstrating a truly samurai isolation as part of its code of service. In 1989 for "the remains of the day" Ishiguro received unanimous Booker {and this was probably the only solution Bukerovskoj of the Committee for the history of the prize, no one caused protest). Adaptation of the eponymous James ivory with Anthony Hopkins in the lead role was a great success. And Boris Akunin wrote a kind of remake of "the Rest of the day" — the novel "the Coronation".
4. Ian McEwan "On the beach"
Ian McEwan is one of the "ruling triumvirate" of modern British prose (along with Julian Barnes and Martin AMIS), winner of the Booker prize for his novel "Amsterdam". His newest book, we offer, also included in last year BONEROWSKI the shortlist. It is, in the words of the critic, "a poignant, with all its intimacy, is a story about missed opportunities in the era before the sexual revolution". The main events of the novel take place between Edward Mayhew and Florence Ponting in their wedding night, newlyweds and combines is that same inexperience: both remembering his past life and fear the future.
5. John Crowley — "Egipt"
Why is it that Gypsies can tell the future? Why on a dollar bill shows a pyramid and the glowing eyes? Why the statue of Moses by Michelangelo has horns on the head? Because the modern era was preceded by Egypt; not Egypt, but Egypt. Because first of all it was not, as now, dominated the other laws, and soon everything will change again, and forgotten gods again reign in souls and in heaven. Because new York academic intrigue and twists of cocaine dealing lead modest historian Pierce Moffett in the American wilderness, whereas Giordano Bruno goes on a journey of a lifetime, John Dee and Edward Kelly see the angels in the magical crystal. All this — in the novel "Egipt" the incomparable John Crowley; the first novel of the tetralogy, which is called "Egypt".
6. Ray Bradbury — "dandelion Wine"
Log in to the bright world of twelve-year old boy and live with him one summer, filled with events joyful and sad, mysterious and alarming; the summer when every day are made amazing discoveries, the main of which — you are alive, you breathe, you feel! "Dandelion wine" by ray Bradbury is a classic work entered the Golden Fund of world literature.
7. Ian banks — "the Wasp factory"
The famous novel of a prominent Scot, the most controversial debut in the English prose of the last decades. Meet sixteen-year-old Frank. He killed three people. He is not what he seems. He is not the one who considers himself. Welcome to the island, which guarded the Sacrificial Pillars. In the house where in the attic of a deadly Wasp Factory.
8. Bret Easton Ellis, "Rules of sex"
In a prestigious College Camden having fun till you drop and drink for five people. Here the newcomer will not give a minute to relax extravagant parties and extreme fun, which seems to have no end. Falling in love and changing each other, quarreling and taking his own life, the local Bohemians in a hurry to thoroughly examine all the forbidden passions and vices, keeping in mind the fundamental law: there is no wasted time the only one who will learn the complicated rules of reckless sex...
9. David Mitchell — "the Literary Ghost"
For the first time in Russian — a debut novel called "English Murakami," the author of such amazing bestsellers as "Dream No. 9" and "Cloud Atlas". But it is the "Literary Ghost" with his signature Michalowski the polyphony in the blink of an eye he lifted the young author in the British literary Olympus. On these pages intertwined life journey of a young dissenter, on the orders of His Providesthe staged a sarin attack in the Tokyo subway, and the novice saxophonist who works part-time in a shop of collectible vinyl, a Bank Manager from London laundering in Hong Kong, the Russian mob money, and a veteran of British intelligence, decided to publish his memoirs, his "literary Negro" (in combination — the leader of the punk band) and hovering over the Mongolian steppes incorporeal Ghost, women-physics with an Irish island, where hunts the Pentagon, the kidnappers of the Hermitage paintings new York DJ and many, many others...
10. Doris Lessing — "the Fifth child"
Harriet and David from the very beginning could realize the beautiful dream of all young couples: they have a large and comfortable home, a stable income, four happy and adorable children and lots of loving relatives. Vacation in their home — abundant celebrations of life and family happiness. And then they have a fifth child, nothing supernatural... But man does he?
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