Carbohydrates can trigger food addiction
Forty nine million five hundred forty five thousand two hundred thirty six
Sweet drinks and food, white bread and other processed carbohydrates that cause surges in blood sugar levels affect parts of the brain responsible for hunger, thirst, and reward. Data published in the American journal of clinical nutrition, indicate foods with a high glycemic index pushes people to overeat.
For particularly susceptible to such effects, the output can be in the avoidance of refined carbohydrates, which potentially will lead to weight loss — said Dr. David Ludwig, the study's lead author and head of the New Balance Foundation Center for the prevention of obesity at Boston Children's hospital. "Our research has shown that not all calories are equally act on the brain," he says, " of course, not everyone who eats processed carbohydrates develops uncontrollable food addiction. But for those who are struggling with overweight and unable to control their cravings, limiting refined carbohydrates it would be a reasonable first step."
Whatever diet you choose, the most difficult time comes after weight loss – this time saving was achieved. Alas, most people, despite all the efforts of that old weight back in six months to a year. Fortunately, recent research in the field of retaining weight, for example, published in the medical journal New England testify to the success of a diet based on reducing foods with a high glycemic index – pastries, white rice, juices, sweet drinks.
In addition to the sharp increase of sugar level in the blood, sweet and high-calorie food provoke the pronounced excitation of areas of the brain responsible for rewards. Measuring the activity of different brain areas showed that the centers of reward and pleasure brighter react to a piece of chocolate cake than vegetables, and this activity is stronger in obese people than slim.
In search of the best solutions group Dr. Ludwig watched many obese men, treating them different milkshakes with a break of a few weeks. Our cocktails were almost the same: milk, vanilla, and with the same amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories. But in one case, the cocktail was added vysokovitaminnye corn syrup, and in another case, the use of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. "These drinks were identical in appearance and taste, and we made sure that our subjects do not give preference to one of them," says Dr. Ludwig.
As expected, the level of sugar in blood quickly climbed from cocktails of the first type. But researchers were particularly interested in what happens in the body after a few hours when people usually have time to get hungry. And then it turned out that 4 hours after drinking vysokovitaminnym cocktails blood sugar drops as sharply as it rose up. People feel very hungry and the area of the brain responsible for hunger, reward and addiction, was overexcited. Although the group of subjects was small, each of them gave the same reaction, and the difference in activity of brain areas between the two groups was "very significant," said Dr. Ludwig "based on the strength and persistence of the reactions, it reduces the probability of accidents by one tenth of one percent".
All the data show that when the level of sugar in blood sharply falls, people tend to primarily eat foods that can quickly raise it - this is a vicious circle of overeating, provoked vysokopitatelny food. "For the brain to naturally find the shortest path to compensate for the shortage of sugar in the blood, explains Dr. Ludwig is a normal protective mechanism."
Christopher Gardner, a nutrition expert from Stanford University who did not participate in the study, noted that after decades of research and modest success in the fight against obesity some disappointing advice "eat less and do more exercise". "The first part of this Council has a long-known information, that calories are calories, — he said, — but the result done by the colleagues work sheds light on the importance is not the quantity but the type of food". Dr. Gardner confirmed that the traditional approach to the problem of weight loss has not worked for the past decades. He therefore considered it important and helpful to clarify the famous advice: "eat less refined carbohydrates and more whole foods»
Source: /users/1077
Sweet drinks and food, white bread and other processed carbohydrates that cause surges in blood sugar levels affect parts of the brain responsible for hunger, thirst, and reward. Data published in the American journal of clinical nutrition, indicate foods with a high glycemic index pushes people to overeat.
For particularly susceptible to such effects, the output can be in the avoidance of refined carbohydrates, which potentially will lead to weight loss — said Dr. David Ludwig, the study's lead author and head of the New Balance Foundation Center for the prevention of obesity at Boston Children's hospital. "Our research has shown that not all calories are equally act on the brain," he says, " of course, not everyone who eats processed carbohydrates develops uncontrollable food addiction. But for those who are struggling with overweight and unable to control their cravings, limiting refined carbohydrates it would be a reasonable first step."
Whatever diet you choose, the most difficult time comes after weight loss – this time saving was achieved. Alas, most people, despite all the efforts of that old weight back in six months to a year. Fortunately, recent research in the field of retaining weight, for example, published in the medical journal New England testify to the success of a diet based on reducing foods with a high glycemic index – pastries, white rice, juices, sweet drinks.
In addition to the sharp increase of sugar level in the blood, sweet and high-calorie food provoke the pronounced excitation of areas of the brain responsible for rewards. Measuring the activity of different brain areas showed that the centers of reward and pleasure brighter react to a piece of chocolate cake than vegetables, and this activity is stronger in obese people than slim.
In search of the best solutions group Dr. Ludwig watched many obese men, treating them different milkshakes with a break of a few weeks. Our cocktails were almost the same: milk, vanilla, and with the same amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories. But in one case, the cocktail was added vysokovitaminnye corn syrup, and in another case, the use of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. "These drinks were identical in appearance and taste, and we made sure that our subjects do not give preference to one of them," says Dr. Ludwig.
As expected, the level of sugar in blood quickly climbed from cocktails of the first type. But researchers were particularly interested in what happens in the body after a few hours when people usually have time to get hungry. And then it turned out that 4 hours after drinking vysokovitaminnym cocktails blood sugar drops as sharply as it rose up. People feel very hungry and the area of the brain responsible for hunger, reward and addiction, was overexcited. Although the group of subjects was small, each of them gave the same reaction, and the difference in activity of brain areas between the two groups was "very significant," said Dr. Ludwig "based on the strength and persistence of the reactions, it reduces the probability of accidents by one tenth of one percent".
All the data show that when the level of sugar in blood sharply falls, people tend to primarily eat foods that can quickly raise it - this is a vicious circle of overeating, provoked vysokopitatelny food. "For the brain to naturally find the shortest path to compensate for the shortage of sugar in the blood, explains Dr. Ludwig is a normal protective mechanism."
Christopher Gardner, a nutrition expert from Stanford University who did not participate in the study, noted that after decades of research and modest success in the fight against obesity some disappointing advice "eat less and do more exercise". "The first part of this Council has a long-known information, that calories are calories, — he said, — but the result done by the colleagues work sheds light on the importance is not the quantity but the type of food". Dr. Gardner confirmed that the traditional approach to the problem of weight loss has not worked for the past decades. He therefore considered it important and helpful to clarify the famous advice: "eat less refined carbohydrates and more whole foods»
Source: /users/1077